🌙Chapter 37🌙

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"You're done eating, so.." Bakugou took my hands, redirecting them to his hair. "Kacchannn!" I whined. "He's such a baby, this is proof." Todoroki laughed. "Shut the fuck up, you purposely let your hair get long just to let Izuku cut it." He glared at Todoroki. "A-Ah? You guys are so sweet!" I smiled.

‼️quick important message !!‼️

‼️As the story nears it's end, chapters as of now will begin to change, as in become edited, recreated and or/revised.‼️

        The next day....

  Izuku's POV

"Alright, I finished!" I picked up my backpack, walking outside.

"Finally, took you long enough." Bakugou rolled his eyes, opening the car door for me. "Rude.." I mumbled.

"Why do I have to sit in the back seat?!" I pouted, putting my feet against the back of Bakugou's seat. "That's exactly why. You act like a child, so you get treated like one." Bakugou snickered.

"Fuck off." I rolled my eyes. "Watch your mouth." Todoroki interrupted. "Awe, is baby going to curse at me?" Bakugou teased.

I continued to kick his seat out of anger.

"I'll come back there if you don't stop it," he cursed. "Go ahead!" I stuck my tongue out, kicking the seat harder.

I heard as his seatbelt clicked, as he jumped back into the back seat. "Can you guys just sit down? I'm driving for God's sake." Todoroki looked back in his mirror.

He pinned my hands above my head, sitting on top of me.

"I told you to stop, dammit!" He scowled. "Does it look like I care?" I raised an eyebrow. He squeezed my wrists tighter, as I let out a gasp.

"Ha!" He laughed out. "Fuck you." I turned my head to the side.

One of his hands went to my cheeks, forcing my head back, angrily smashing his lips against mine.

"Mmm! Kacchan!" I mumbled, though the kiss muffled my words. I rolled my eyes and kissed him back.

Once he separated, he licked his lips and gave a large cocky grin. "You're all bark and no bite. Practically helpless once I get to you."

"Whatever. Get off of me." I pouted, moving my legs. "Awh. Puppy got an attitude?" He teased, as his gaze upon me grew stronger

He held my wrists with one hand, as the other hand went down to my face. His thumb traveled to my bottom lip, pulling it down, along with pulling my tongue out.

I shut my lips tight and squirmed, pushing him off of me. "E-Enough! Get back in the passenger's seat!" I scoffed, covering my face in embarrassment.

"Fine. I'll just get you when we get to the hotel." He rolled his eyes, crawling back into the passenger's seat.

The airport is a good 15 minute drive away from Todoroki's house, so, we'll most likely arrive for our plane on time.

I'm so excited to go with Shocchan and Kacchan on their business trip! I love traveling.. especially with them! Hopefully they'll let me go into their offices with them!

Just 5 days before my birthday, 2 days until the club re-opens! Gah, next week is going to be exciting!

"Izu, c'mon. We're here." Todoroki said, tapping my shoulder. I looked up from my phone, pulling out my ear buds.

"Oh, alright!" I unbuckled my seatbelt, grabbing my backpack and purse. "Here, I'll carry you." Todoroki picked me up by the under arms, holding me out the car.

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