Chapter 6

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"I hate this place, already," Bakugou grumbled out loud. "Don't be such a party pooper, this place actually looks quite interesting.." Todoroki looked around, while drinking his wine.

"Of course, it's interesting to you."

No One's POV

"This place is boring as shit," Bakugou scoffed as he took a large sip of his drink.
"I think it's decent. I'm not really a club type of person, I just wanted to see what the inside looked like," Todoroki shrugged.

It wasn't long before the energetic bartender had came back again to check on the two, "is everything alright? Need anymore drinks?" He politely asked.

"Mmm.. Just another wine, please." A response was given from the older male.
"Got it!"

"When are we fucking going home? It's already dark outside," a low grumble was heard from the side.

"Don't you want to stay a little longer, hmm?" A finger was brought to the blonde's chin, lifting it up.
"Fucking fine.. Only because you agreed to our little deal," Bakugou slapped his finger away, turning away with a flustered face.

The bartender soon arrive back with the extra wine, taking the empty glass and setting it to the side to be cleaned.

"Thank you," Todoroki took the drink in his hand, taking a sip.

"By the way, we also have food, like actual meals or appetizers. If you're interested, I can get you two a table if you'd like?" The vibrantly blonde male asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Sure, I guess." Todoroki stood up, holding his hand out to help the blonde, only to be slapped away as the two followed the waiter to their table.

He walked around to the exit of the bar, leading the two to their booth and sat them down.

"By the way, I'm Kaminari! Nice to meet you. The purple haired guy you saw earlier behind me is Shinsou!" Denki introduced himself, wanting to make a more friendly environment.

"Nice to meet you too, I'm Todoroki, this is Bakugou." A small, yet effortless smile was given to the boy.

"Your new waitress should be with you momentarily." Denki waves, then walks off.

"Don't think this is a way of you getting out of taking me to dinner," the blonde mumbled lowly.

"Nah, I'm still going to take you out. I just don't feel like cooking tonight, so, why not eat here?" Todoroki shrugged.

A hand was slid to the taller boy's leg, now holding hands with the other.
"Why do you always hold my hand, hmm?" An eyebrow was raised by the split haired boy.

"Because you have fucking soft hands, alright?!"

"Whatever you say," a chuckle was let out.

It wasn't long before Bakugou began to whine about the lack of food in his stomach.

After chatting for a bit, it wasn't longer before their waiter, or waiters, finally came to their table.

Words weren't enough to explain the thrill that had went down the two men's spine as they laid their eyes on one of the specific waiters. 

And, holy shit, was that man that they had laid their eyes on, perfect.



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