🍪Chapter 24🍪

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"Hello, dear. Are you lost?~" The tall man stood above me. I gulped and felt my heart sink to the bottom of my chest. "N-No. I'm not lost. I was just about to leave.." I slapped his hands off of my waist.

"Ah, that's cute. Let me buy you a drink, though." He put his hands back on my waist. I rolled my eyes, "Whatever, fine."

You have been warned.

Izuku's POV

I followed the man to the bar, trying not to give off the impression that I was scared. I sat down at the stool, as he proceeded to buy the drinks. I looked behind me, seeing dancers and lights everywhere. This club is huge.. strange.

I turned back around and the man handed me a drink. I slowly began to drink it, while staring at the main. "The names Dabi." He smirked. "Mhm.." I glared at him. "What's your name, cutie?" He reached for my hair. I slapped his hand away.

"Midoriya." I looked away. "Beautiful name for a cutie." "Yeah... Anyways, I think I should be going now." I stood up to walk away, the room immediately started to spin. I couldn't tell where anything was.. That bastard! Did he tamper with my drink?!

I held onto the stool. I couldn't walk, or else I'd fall. "Look's like you won't be leaving just yet.." He carefully picked me up and carried me to the back of the club as I screamed, though, nobody could hear me since it was so loud.

I was carried to a room, with a king sized bed. He slammed me on it and got on top of me. "You see, Izuku.. I've been watching you for a while~ I just couldn't resist. My brother really picks the best boyfriends." He leaned closer to my face.

"Let me go!" I kicked my legs up, kicking his area. "Shit!" He grabbed his area. I took this opportunity to get up and run, but I couldn't. I fell on the floor trying to run. Shit, whatever he put in my drink was strong. I was dragged back on the bed by my hair.

"You're such a brat, you know that?" He leaned in and force fully kissed me. He tried to gain entrance but I denied. He kicked my area, I gasped and he slipped his tongue in. I bit his tongue and slapped him.

He grabbed my arms and flipped me over, holding them behind my back. "Just cooperate and this won't hurt." He slowly pulled down my pants and boxers. I screamed as loud as I could. "Ah, you're quite the normal size, aren't you? 6 inches. Not bad." He smirked.

"Dabi, or whatever your name is! Get the fuck off of me!" I squirmed. Suddenly, I heard a belt buckle. At that time, I felt my heart sink. Am I really going to be raped? God dammit. I'm so fucking weak. How could I let this happen.

Shoto, Katsuki.. anyone.. Someone please help me. I feel so goddamn useless. At this point, I'm a goddamn sex toy. I hate myself. I wish I were able to fight back right now. Dammit.. "Hold still, baby. This won't hurt~"

Todoroki's POV

When will this man child stop talking? It's literally 5PM. we've been here since 2:30. Plus, something feels.. off. It feels as if something is happening and I should be there right now. I wonder what Izuku is up to..

"Anyway, the contract of our business' alliance is going to expire next week. Therefore, you will be off on your own and no longer be merged with my company. This is a huge responsibility, son." Enji looked proud. I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, yeah. So, are we done here yet?" I asked, yawning.

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