Chapter 8

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The multicolored boy looked annoyed, not to mention uninterested. He cracked his fists, earning a look of shock from Bakugou.
Now, Shoto doesn't usually resort to violence, but it just felt necessary at this point.

It felt like everyone was staring at the two men, more specifically none other than Todoroki himself.

No One's POV

Long story short, Todoroki knocked him out cold. It was a pretty clean punch, right to the noggin.

It was well deserved, as the man's tantrum was causing a wide disruption to the club. The crowd slowly faded, now that the main action was over.

The male turned around, kneeling just a bit. His hand reached out to him, "are you alright?" He'd ask.

The fluffed hair shook as he lifted his head up, wiping the spilled yet blank tears from his face and taking the man's hand.

"Y-Yeah, I'm alright, thank you," he replied, with Shoto pulling him up.

"What even caused him to lash out like that?" Bakugou interrupted, raising an eyebrow, stepping an inch closer.

"Not really anything, just the fact I don't sleep with my clients. It was just plain emotional abuse, really. It's really common in this type of industry," Izuku sighed rolling his eyes.

"That was probably too much info, I apologize for dumping all of that on you, I'm just really stressed right now." He'd scratch the back of his head.

"Don't worry, we don't mind. I'm sorry you had to go through that," Todoroki gave a worried expression.

It wasn't long before Shinsou and Kaminari ran up to Izuku, hHey, what happened here? You guys alright?" Shinsou reached for Izuku's hand, though Izuku dodged his touch of worry.

"Nothing," Izuku rolled his eyes, full of disinterest in explaining the situation once again. "It was just a tiny disagreement.

"You're not hurt or anything, are you?" The lavender haired man asked,

"Physically? No. Probably emotionally?"

"Ugh, I'm sorry about that. I'll make sure we report him later, I'll check up on you after your last shift. We have to go back to work now before we get caught." Shinsou pinched the bridge of his nose, patting Izuku's back as him and Denki walked back over to the bar.

"So, what do we do with the body?" Bakugou raised an eyebrow, with a keen smirk appearing across his lips.

"Go crazy, I don't care," Todoroki shrugged, stepping a bit away from the unconscious man on the ground.

"Fuck yeah!" Bakugou cracks his fist, bending down and grabbing the man's ankles, proceeding to drag him all the way to the front entrance.

It went silent for a second.

The green haired male fiddled once more with his outfit, then pulling Todoroki closer to the side, not blocking the walkway between the tables. would pull me to the side.

"Thank you so much, again. I'm nor sure on how I'll ever repay you. If you didn't step in, he would've possibly did something worse," Izuku nervously giggled, tilting his head.

"No payment is needed, payment shouldn't be expected for doing such a simple deed."

"That's what everyone says," Izuku mumbled lowly to himself, "Im expecting you'd want me to sleep with you, right?"

"Oh, no, no. You're obviously uncomfortable with it, not that I'd really be interested in it, anyway. I'm not really the type of person to do that, especially since we've just met," Todoroki reassured.

Todoroki was interested in the boy, he'd admit. Though, in that way it would seem as if he were only interested within his obvious features; his body. In the man's eyes, he was too perfect to be used. Everything about him was perfect, even his voice.

"Huh? Well, I-I'd atleast want to give you some kind of payment. Please? I would feel terrible if I didn't," he gave a confused yet pouting face. It was an endearing sight.

The duel haired bot sighed deeply, looking around a bit.

"If you insist. Let's be friends, I want your number."

"Really? That's.. Actually very sweet of you. I've never really made friends here before, expect for Shinsou and Kami'," excitement filled his eyes, his foot gently tapping out of fluster.

He reached out his hand, "Todoroki, Shoto Todoroki."

"Midoriya, Izuku Midoriya." He giggled, mocking him in the way he introduced himself.

"Oh, right! My number."

He gently seized the older male's hand, reaching over and grabbing a pen out of his own pocket. His gentle manners wrote out his number on the muscular hand.

"There you go," a giggle slipped from the soft, plumped lips once again.

"See you around, Todoroki." Izuku stood on his toes, pecking Shoto's cheek gently. The bright, cherry lip gloss left an imprint on the spot.He then walked off, the sound of his heels clicking before him.

His teeth began biting his lip. It was shocking, the return of affection on his cheek. He wasn't used to it. Not to mention, he didn't expect it to be so sudden.

Those heels, the sound they made with his cheeky walk. He really was perfect.

The mood was soon interrupted by Bakugou's entrance of coming back in, red substance stainnimg his knuckles.

"Eh? The fuck happened here?" The blonde put a hand on his hip, lifting an eyebrow.

"Look," Shoto extended his hand, showing the big written numbers.
"The fuck? You got a random chick's number?"

"No, It's.. Midoriya. I found out his name is Izuku Midoriya, y'know? The waiter. Green hair?" He shook his head.

"You're lying. There's no fucking way."

"I'm so serious, look." The taller male pointed to his cheek with a sly smile, an obvious kiss mark.

"Why didn't you fucking call me back?! That should've been me, lucky bastard," Bakugou angrily mumbled to himself.

"You're cute, we all know you most likely wouldn't have came anyway." A dramatic eye roll was given in response to the statement.

"Ugh, whatever. Fuck you. Let's go home already."

"Someone's jealous."

"Don't make me have to fucking kill you in public."

The pair walked towards the other side of the club, more towards the bar and the exit. Before they left, the two also exchanged numbers with Shinsou and Kaminari. Todoroki thought they were pretty chill.

The day went well, overall. A day off from work to relax.

It wasn't that bad of an experience for them, considering they haven't really gone to a club before. . Let's just say, they'll coming here a lot more often. Not only for their new friends, but also for the drinks, too.

In the car, Todoroki's phone was taken out as he added the new contacts into his phone.



1114 words

To Be Continued...

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