Chapter 5

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As much as Shoto cared for the angry blonde, god, he needs to work on his anger issues. Though, he found it oddly.. Cute? He wasn't very good at expressing his thoughts nor feelings, which is why his face is always so hard to read. He didn't know how he felt about Bakugou. Maybe it's just because they're really close friends, perhaps. Will the feeling go away soon?

The Next Day

Todoroki's POV

It's a little past four o'clock, the exact time Bakugou and I agreed to go "check out" the land. I'd put on one of my casual suits, then head out the door. I'd hop in the car, then drive to the assigned location.

The land was practically huge, a decent looking place. There were a few buildings down the block, basically sort of like an open city.

It's an average looking place, decent for being across from a strip club.


No One's POV


"Please calm down, sir. I'll try my best to put it on you correctly," The maid says, calmly, trying to calm him down.

"I'm going to be fucking late. You know what, fuck this tie." He threw the tie across the room, stomping over and looking in the mirror.

He had worn a black button down shirt with some gray jeans. God, you'd think since his mother is a fashion designer, he'd actually have some fashion sense, right?

Well, it seems not.

He had stomped once again all the way downstairs to the kitchen, grabbing his keys off the counter and walking back, going out the front door.

"You can fucking leave early today, your tip is on the table," Katsuki yelled out, before slamming his front door.

Acar was randomly picked,  as he hopped into the car, starting the engine. Whenever he has bad days, or he's just simply pissed off, Bakugou loves to listen to music. He loves R&B music, so that's what his radio was turned to.

The soothing, peaceful and slowed music was enough to calm his anger down just a bit. The beautiful sky with the sun, fresh air going in and out of his car as he turned the windows down. His face became more relaxed, settling into his seat.

Without a second thought, Bakugou pulled out of his driveway and began to drive his way to the assigned location.

Today was a perfect day, it had seemed like. Something was off, that made Katsuki feel oddly happy.

He didn't know what it was, or what the feeling was. Though, the feeling was a sense of relief.


No One's POV

Katsuki was somewhat "fashionably" late. Or, atleast that's what his excuse was. If he were to be honest, he was slowing down while driving a bit on purpose just to avoid coming.

He slammed his car door, once he had parked the car, standing in front of the empty plot, with many buildings and road surrounding it. It was quite the large city type of place. A night on the town, type of area.

"So, Kacchan-" Todoroki would say, before rudely being interrupted by none other than his explosive partner, "I told you to stop fucking calling me that, you freak!"

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