🍫Chapter 21🍫

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I love Bakugou and Izuku. I'm sure they love me back. I just hope I can actually keep this relationship this time and not go crazy like last time.. I'd kill for them.. Literally..
No matter who's blood I have to get on my hands, I'll do anything in my power to keep Bakugou and Izuku safe. They're mine. And always will be.

Todoroki's POV

It's about 9PM now, Bakugou and I already ate dinner. Right now, we're just cuddling in bed, slowly drifting to sleep, since the movie ended. He's so adorable.

I stroked his hair slowly, with him closing his eyes. I continued to gently stroke his hair. Bakugou gets stressed a lot, so that's why I stroke his hair or his back. It helps calm him down. Sometimes massaging his shoulders work too.

I slowly close my eyes still stroking his hair. "Thank you. You can stop now if you want." Bakugou mumbled. "Shhh.." I said, softly. I continued to stroke.

This continued for a good 5 minutes, until we both fell asleep.

Time skip...

Izuku's POV

It's morning, again. It's still kind of weird. I'm not used to waking up by myself. I'm usually used to seeing Bakugou on my left and Todoroki the right. I can't wait until they come home!

I stretched and looked over to my nightstand to see more breakfast. Awh, how sweet of the maid. I rubbed my eyes a bit and reached over for my breakfast. I should call Kacchan and Shocchan after eating, just to check in.

I slowly ate, savoring the delicious taste of the food. I closed my eyes, enjoying the sweet flavor. Mmm.. this taste really taste amazing!

I finished my breakfast, and stretched a little more. Before I called them, I decided to take a shower. I made sure I brought some clothes in the bathroom with me and sat them on the counter. I also brought a towel and some shampoo.

I got into the shower and began to wash myself. After that, I poured some shampoo in my hair and washed it. It seems like we didn't have conditioner, but that's alright.

I got out of the steamy shower and wrapped a towel around my waist. I shook my head a little to get the dripping water out of my hair. I walked by the mirror and admired myself.

Damn, I never really realized how muscular I actually am. I kind of look good, not gonna lie..
I chuckled slightly then grabbed my clothes off the counter. I dried myself off more, then put lotion on. After, I put on my clothes.

Ripped jeans, a black T-shirt, white shoes and a bracelet. I also tied my hair in a small back ponytail. I applied some cologne, along with a little eyeliner. Alright, let's go call Kacchan and Shocchan!

I grabbed my phone and sat on my bed. I searched through my phone trying to find their contacts. Should I just call the group chat..? Maybe I should just call Kacchan, so I can talk to both of them on one phone.

Calling 💞🧡Kacchan🧡💞...

Ring... Ring... Ring...

Bakugou's POV

I helped Todoroki fix his tie, and then I went into the bathroom to fix mine. In the middle of fixing it, my phone started to ring. I looked over on the counter to see who was calling.

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