🌹Chapter 29🌹

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I looked at Bakugou and he looked at me. I smiled and we looked away, waiting for Uraraka and Izuku. We saw a glimpse of green and brown hair. Before we knew it, a handsome, smart, and kind greenette stood atleast a good 4 feet from us. He froze in place and couldn't believe his eyes.

  Izuku's POV

"Is that.. Kacchan..? And Shocchan..?" I looked at Uraraka and she nodded her head and smiled. I threw my cap and diploma on the ground and ran up to them with open arms. I could feel tears of joy running down my face.

As I ran up to them, we all fell on the ground as I hugged them tightly. "KACCHAN! SHOCCHAN!" I cried into their warm embrace.  "I missed you guys so much! I missed you!" I cried. "We missed you too, Izuku." Todoroki held him and Bakugou tightly.

"I love you both so much! I promise, I'll never leave your side!" I gripped Todoroki's shirt. "We love you, too." Bakugou patted my head. "If my relationship isn't like this, I don't want it." Denki wiped a single invisible tear. "I forgot we even invited you and Shinsou." Mina glared at them. Iida and Tsu shook their head.

"Yet we're already in a relationship." Shinsou poked his neck. I slowly got off of the ground and helped Todoroki and Bakugou up. I laughed nervously and scratched the back of my head. "Ah, I'm sorry for tackling both of you. I got excited.." I smiled. "Oh, are you hurt?! I panicked.

"No worries. We're not hurt. " Todoroki dusted himself off. "Don't act so cold, you know you missed him too." He looked at Bakugou. "He was nervous that you wouldn't want to see us again-" "SHUT UP! NO I WASN'T!" He quickly covered Todoroki's mouth. I giggled and kissed his forehead.

"It's fine, I missed you too." I'd hold his hand. "Tch.. You're adorable." He mumbled and looked away as his face slowly turned red. Todoroki chuckled. "Anyways, the limo is here, we should get going." He looked at everyone.

"A LIMO?!" Mina squealed. Todoroki nodded his head. I grabbed his hand and we all walked towards the limo. He opened the door for everyone, letting them get inside. Afterwards, He got inside himself and sat in the middle of Bakugou and me.

"So, you all got my text yesterday, right?" Todoroki asked. They all nodded their heads. "Yup! We all packed! We just have to pick them up now, I'm so excited for the surprise!" Uraraka cheered. "Alright. Bakugou, you told the driver which addresses, right?" He asked. Bakugou nodded his head. "Great."

Todoroki's POV

I'd put my arms around Izuku and Bakugou. Izuku leaned his head in and rested it on my chest, while Bakugou came closer than me and cuddled a bit. I smiled and closed my eyes a bit. "I love you guys." "We love you too." Izuku giggled.

"Look at that, so wholesome." Denki crossed his arms. "Why do you act like this." Shinsou raised an eyebrow. "Hmph." "It's going to be a long drive, so I'd suggest you guys get a small nap in." I opened an eye and looked around.

"Agreed." Iida said, with his usual hand movements. I watched as they all got comfortable and one by one closed their eyes. I hugged Izuku and Bakugou tighter as we tightly closed our eyes.

Izuku's POV

It's been about 3 hours, I don't know how long we're going to be in here, but I love road trips. I'm pretty sure it's about 4 or 5 o'clock. I opened one eye and looked up, looking to see if Bakugou or Todoroki is awake. Todoroki was fully up, admiring us as we slept. I took this as a chance.

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