⭐️Chapter 38⭐️

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"Goodnight." I whispered. "Night." Bakugoi and Todoroki softly whispered back, as I received a forehead kiss from 'Shoto, along with a hair ruffle from Bakugou.

Izuku's POV

I yawned and slowly woke up, due from the loud-ish noise being heard from around me.

I felt no warmth around me, so, I assume Kacchan and Shocchan are already up.

I rubbed my eyes and sat up, letting my eyes adjust to the sudden light.
Once my eyes fully adjusted, I looked to my right, to see Todoroki tying his tie in the dresser's mirror.

Watching his reflection in the mirror, he looked to the corner of the mirror and noticed I was awake.

"Ah, I'm sorry, my love. Did we wake you?" He asked, turning around.

"Mmm.. No, no. It's fine, you didn't wake me." I yawned and stretched a little. I pushed the blankets off of me and hopped off the bed, walking towards Todoroki.

He turned around, as I stood on my tippy toes to kiss his forehead.

"I think Bakugou just finished with breakfast, you can go eat, if you'd like." He smiled. I nodded my head and walked out of the room, going towards the kitchen.

I slowly walked up behind Bakugou, suddenly hugging him from behind.

"Kacchan!" I smiled. "Y-You fuckin' scared me, damn nerd." He turned around. "What'd I tell you about calling me that!" I'd pout.

"And what if I don't stop?" He lifted my chin up with his pointer finger. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms, annoyed.

"Whatever.. Plus, something smells really yummy~!" I peeked my head behind him. "You make blueberry pancakes!" "Mhm, your favorite." He'd pat my head.

I skipped over to the table and sat down, waiting patiently.

"Here." Bakugou sat a plate down in front of me. Two pancakes, whipped cream with more blueberries at the top~! Of course not without syrup.

I gazed at it in hunger. "You're the best, Kacchan!" I gave a huge smile. "Tch.. whatever." He looked away, scratching the back of his head as his checks tinted red.

  Todoroki's POV

"Bakugou? Could you please come here?" I yelled. A few seconds later, a stomping, angry-ish blonde came into the room.

"What?" He asked. "Could you please help me? I tried, but-" I got cut off, by him walking over and violently yanking my shirt's collar over to him.

"God dammit, Todoroki. You still don't know how to tie your own damn tie, huh?!" He snarled. I held back a giggle, watching him tie the tie.

I watched as he angrily tied it, with our faces close together.

"Why so angry, hmm?" I asked. "Because! You're a grown ass man, and you still don't know how to tie a damn tie."

Well, for starters, I actually do know how to tie a tie. I just like when Bakugou does it, though. It's funny to see him angry like this, anyway.

He finally finished and look up at me, turning around and beginning to walk out the room.

I grabbed his waist, pulling him closer to me.
His back was facing towards me, as he angrily huffed.

I gently placed both of my hands on his curvy waist, beginning to move our hips in sync.

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