Chapter 1

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"Daozhang," Xue Yang said. Xiao Xingchen and Song Lan turned around.

"You wouldn't forget me, would you? Let's wait and see." Xue Yang smirked.

Song Lan looked at him with anger reflecting in his eyes whereas Xiao Xingchen looked at him with a sense of pity as it was not Xue Yang who was to be blamed for it was the people he met in his youth which was the main reason for him to grow into such a demon-like person.

A few years later,

The powerful LanLing Jin Clan pressures Chang Ping to recant his words against Xue Yang. Fearing for the survival of the weakened Yueyang Chang Clan, Chang Ping eventually agrees to announce that the massacre had nothing to do with Xue Yang.

Xue Yang was freed, and he immediately sets out to gain revenge on Xiao Xingchen by targeting his close friend Song Lan. Xue Yang blinds Song Lan and massacres the temple he was raised in, Baixue Temple, and massacres the cultivators there.

When Xiao Xingchen got to know about Song Lan he gives up his own eyes to restore Song Lan's sight and left.

It had been years nobody knew where Xiao Xingchen had gone. Song Lan had created his sect that valued common ideals instead of blood ties which was the dream he and Xingchen shared. He was the leader of the sect and named it after his best friend's name:- The Bright Moon sect.

Song Lan was not the only one who was searching for Xiao Xingchen.

Xue Yang wanted to kill him and so he was madly searching for him everywhere.

Xue Yang was beaten badly by the Jin Clan and when he was on the verge of death some cultivators cured him using demonic energies. When they saw him recovering they continued experimenting demonic powers on him.

The day Xue Yang woke up he killed all of them to test his energy. He hid in the burial mountains and one day when he finally excelled in his demonic powers he went to Jin Clan to test his power and take revenge on Jin Guangyao, leader of the powerful Lanling Jin Clan.

He destroyed the clan's protective array to allow a group of powerful evil spirits inside and killed Jin Guangyao by beheading him and then cutting away his tongue.

Little did Xue Yang know that it was not him who was controlling demonic power whereas it was the demonic powers who had started controlling him. He was about to leave but suddenly he saw somebody hiding behind the pillar. He was trembling as Xue Yang walked towards him; his eyes turning red and fangs lengthening.

Xue Yang looked at him for a moment and then his fangs sank inside the man's neck. After sucking blood he licked his lips at the blood around them and took a relaxing breath as he could feel the sweetness of the blood as the dead body fell on the ground.

"Ah!! that was so tasty," he said; his eyes turning jet black, "Can't wait to see you Xiao Xingchen" he smirked and a burst of evil laughter echoed in the dark forest.

He acquired the Jin Clan and held a conference inviting all the sect leaders to the Koi Tower for a conference.

Expecting that this sudden conference must have been called by Jin Guangyao all the sect leaders rushed to the Koi Tower but as soon as they reached there, they froze when they saw Xue Yang sitting on the throne where Jin Guangyao used to sit.

"Hey!! Where is Jin Guangyao? What are you doing here?" Jiang Cheng yelled, his eyes resembling two bolts of lightning.

"Bring him!!" Xue Yang gestured to the servant.

"Here is your lovely Jin Guangyao," he smiled, revealing fangs among the neat row of white teeth.

Everybody froze. Jin Guangyao's head was kept on the table; his eyes were open in shock and his face spattered with blood.

"Find Xiao Xingchen for me and I will let you live peacefully or else get ready to face consequences," he yelled, and his fangs sank into the servant who stood next to him.

Wei Ying could sense the demonic power around Xue Yang but he decided to keep quiet.

"I thought him to be dead." Song Lan thought and he looked at Xue Yang's fangs which were red from blood as he smiled.

Everyone looked at the bloody scene with mouth agape and sweat trickled down the forehead of some of the sect leaders.  Soon the dead body rolled in front of Jiang Cheng's feet and he stepped back in fear.

All the guests present screamed and ran towards their carts in contrast to Wei Ying, Lan Zhan, and Song Lan who gave him an angry stare.

As soon as Xue Yang sensed it, he looked at the three of them, bowed his head, and smiled revealing his bloodied fangs.

He shouted, "Song Lan, make sure you bring your best friend to me. Wei Ying and Lan Zhan make sure you help him find his best friend."

With an annoyed face, the three of them left and Koi Tower was empty in no time.

In the Cloud Recesses,

Lan Zhan, "What are you thinking?"

Wei Ying, "I saw demonic powers around Xue Yang. I thought him dead but he must have been practicing to get control over those powers."

Lan Zhan, "I think you are right, he looked different; his eyes were constantly turning from black to red and his face looked more dangerous,"

"It was as if it was not Xue Yang who was speaking, it was the demonic powers who were saying." Wei Ying said, "We should find some way to kill him for good before he goes on massacring the entire clans."

to be continued...

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