Chapter 6

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Xue Yang hid Xiao Xingchen in the inner chamber when he was enjoying dinner with Song Lan.

Song Lan could not refuse because the invite which Xue Yang said was: "Song Lan I would like to invite you to the dinner. In case you wanna come my cart will be waiting for you or else my puppets will be waiting to kill all your sect members."

In the dining hall,

"Your eyes remind me of somebody I have seen," Xue Yang said as he crept closer to Song Lan.

"Yes! It is a gift from my friend," Song Lan replied with a stern face.

"Which friend?" Xue Yang smirked.

Song Lan, "You are not worthy to know that." 

Xue Yang smiled, "So possessive about your friend? You still could not find him?"

Song Lan, "We are still searching for him."

Xue Yang, "I really miss him. You Know."

Song Lan cursed him in his mind.

Xue Yang, "Can't you give me something that reminds me of your friend."

Song Lan, "What do you mean? There is nothing I can give you."

"those eyes!!" Xue Yang cooed; his hands under his chin. Before Song Lan could reply he fell unconscious because of the herbs blended in the tea.

A few moments later,

"Xue Yang you can't do this!!" Xiao Xingchen yelled as he was being pulled towards the room.

"I am doing this," Xue Yang growled and the puppets tied him down on a bed beside Song Lan.

"Can you please stop moving?" Wen Qing said, "it can create problems if you keep resisting."

For this experiment to be successful Xiao Xingchen was supposed to remain awake the whole time until the transfer was successful.

Wen Qing tried to calm Xiao Xingchen but all in vain so Xue Yang grabbed his neck and sank his fangs into his neck. 

Wen Qing could not see so she looked the other way until Xue Yang was done. Xiao Xingchen bandages around the eyes had started sipping more blood than before.

After some time Xue Yang withdrew his fangs and growled, "Do you want your dear best friend to go through the same pain?"

Xiao Xingchen trembled and laid down quietly on the bed. Wen Qing started the transferring of eyes. Xiao Xingchen regretted it and cried at the same time.

The Next Morning,

Song Lan woke up in his room in the bright moon clan and screamed when he realized that his eyes were gone while all the sect leaders surrounded him.

"Why did that demon took away my eyes?" Song Lan sobbed, "that was the only thing I had of my dear friend."

"Calm down Song Lan!!" Wei Ying consoled him. 

"I want to kill him right now," Song Lan fumed and stood up almost stumbling.

"I don't know what is going on in his mind." Lan Zhan said.

"We should just kill him." Jiang Cheng fumed holding his sword tightly.

"Yes Yes, we should." All the clan leaders said in unison.

"We have to calm down any rash decision can turn fatal for us." Wei Ying said trying to calm everybody around him but all in vain.

"quiet!!" Lan Zhan said and there was absolute silence in the room.

"Thanks, Lan Zhan!!," Wei Ying smiled, and then his gaze shifted to the sect leaders.

Wei Ying, "We are just one day apart from our goal. We should let these things fail our mission of killing Xue Yang." 

Everybody was not in a mind to support Wei Ying but as Lan Zhan was with him so they had to accept it quietly.

On the other side,

Xiao Xingchen yelled and broke the mirror as soon as he saw his image on it whereas Xue Yang was enjoying all the pain Xiao Xingchen was going through.

"This is what I always wanted to hear," Xue Yang murmured in delight.

Suddenly the voice fell silent and there was no noise heard from the other room. 

"There is something wrong!" Xue Yang gasped and bashed into his room breaking the door.

"Wen Qing!!" Xue Yang yelled at the top of his lungs when he saw Xiao Xingchen lying in the pool of blood; Xiao Xingchen had cut his wrist with one of the mirror pieces shattered on the floor.

Wen Qing rushed to him and gasped. She quickly closed the wound and treated him while Xue Yang stood beside her with a concerned look.

"Is he ok now?" he kept bugging her with the same question.

Wen Qing checked his pulse and said, "He is ok now but he is feverish. He needs to be treated with a cold cloth on his head."

"Go bring the cold water and a cloth!!" he yelled at one of the puppets who returned with a bowl that had cloth dipped in the cold water.

"Give it to me!!" he yelled taking away the bowl and placed the cold cloth on Xiao Xingchen's forehead.

"What's gone into him?" Wen Qing thought as she had never seen Xue Yang so concerned.

The entire day Xue Yang sat beside Xiao Xingchen's bed dipping the cloth back into the cold water and placing it again on his forehead while constantly checking his forehead and then Xiao Xingchen's forehead.

"He looks so concerned." Wen Qing thought as she had not seen Xue Yang coming out of the room whole or even not yelling at the puppets for the lunch/dinner.

to be continued...

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