Chapter 18

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"He is so cute." Wei Ying beamed as he kept the baby next to Xingchen.

Xingchen was too weak to hold the baby so he could only see and smile at the baby.

"Xue yang, he really looks exactly like you." lan zhan said.

"really?" xue yang gasped and looked at his features.

"yes!! his face is really similar to me but I don't want his personality to become like me." he said, regret in his voice.

"don't say that." wei ying smacked him on his head.

"Why are you not telling me? I was only 1 month pregnant howcome the baby is born at this point. last time i remember.." Xingchen stopped.

"What happened?" Xue Yang fretted and held his hands.

"I really don't know what happened to me." Xingchen was confused and tried to concentrate which resulted in his nose bleeding and he fainted.

Everybody panicked and Xue Yang used his spiritual power to heal Xingchen and Xingchen woke up caughing.

"Don't think too much and you must have forgotten some part but be rest assured that you just fainted and was in coma for some time." Wei Ying explained trying to calm Xingchen's curious mind.

"I was in coma?" Xingchen said and Xue Yang helped him clean.

"Ya, may be you were pregnant." Lan Zhan supported Wei Ying lie.

"thanks for supporting but the thing you said does not make any sense." Wei Ying thought and smiled at Lan Zhan.

Xingchen nodded and his gaze turned to Xue Yang," I am sorry for making you worry."

Xue Yang wanted to cry and hug him but with a fear in his mind that Xingchen will worry too much he just smiled and asked him to rest.

In the middle of the night,

"Baby needs milk." Wei Ying said as soon as the baby started crying in the middle of the night.

"Ok," Lan Zhan said and was about to stand up and walk out of the bed but Xue Yang stopped him.

"Wait! I will go. You both should sleep." Xue Yang said and headed out to the kitchen.

Lan Zhan, Wei Ying, Xue yang and Xingchen were sleeping in the same room in order to make sure nobody tries to attack baby.

Their rooms were seperated by just a curtain. Wei Ying did not tell anything about Lan Qiren trying to kill the baby because firstly, he did not want lan brothers to go and fight their only uncle and secondly, Xingchen would feel like a burden in their house if he knew that owner of the house is  not happy with them living here.

"Here!!" Xue Yang said and handed the bottle to Xingchen.

"Ouch," Xingchen yelped, " Xue yang the milk is too hot."

"sorrry.." xue yang apologized as he was not used to make milk for babies.

He went out again and cooled the milk.

Wei Ying and Lan zhan were laughing at how xue yang was being scolded by xingchen.

"Who knew that bad xue yang will turn into a helpless father." Wei Ying laughed and Lan Zhan zipped his lips by kissing him.

The baby drank the milk and slept peacefully but after some time the baby cried again.

Xingchen woke up and could not wake anybody as the three of them were already too tired of all the things happened and so he quietly walked out with the baby on his own.

Little did he knew that there were people who wanted to kill the baby.

In the garden stars were twinkling and moon light fell all over the place which soothed Xingchen's eyes and the baby smiled at the moon.

"What are you smiling at my little baby." Xingchen kissed the baby.

Suddenly a sword was thrown by somebody from the dark. The baby sensed it and waved his hand in such a way that the sword directed back to the person which killed him instantly.

Xingchen's detecting senses were numbed after giving birth so he was not able to sense any lurking danger.

Another sword came directed towards them and the baby did the same, attackers were confused at how they were being attacked.

The baby saw the attackers hiding in the bushes and looking at him with angry eyes, the baby giggled which fumed the attackers and they were about to step forward but stopped when they saw a huge snake sneering at them.

They trembled and ran as fast as they could. Hearing somebody running Xingchen quickly turned around in defensive position but relaxed when he saw Song Lan.

"Song Lan," Xingchen beamed, " What a pleasent surprise."

Song Lan looked at the baby who was smiling at him and also holding Xingchen's hairs with his little fingers.

The baby's facial features were exactly like xue yang's face which made him angrier.

"Song Lan," Xingchen called again.

"how are you? I just came to congratulate. I know its too late but i was just passing by." Song lan explained.

"I am glad you came." he smiled.

Taking away by force was not an option here as everybody would be alarmed so he sweet talked him and handed him a candy.

"here, I bought this from yi city. I know you like it, taste it." he said.

Xingchen happily took tha candy and was about to eat but the baby moved his hand and candy slipped off his hand when candy was just close to his lips.

"naughty boy, sorry song lan." xingchen said.

"baby is just clever like his father." song lan thought and gave another piece.

baby kept doing the same thing so song lan took away the baby from his arms, the baby started crying loudly as soon as he carried him.

Xingchen ate the candy while song lan acted playing with the baby.

"He is cute." song lan said and waited for xingchen to faint.

"ya..I." xingchen stopped and song lan quickly threw the baby in the pond which was built in the middle of the park.

"Don't worry your father will come to accompany you in hell," he smirked and carried xingchen in his arms.

As soon as Song Lan reached his place which was far from gusu lan he took xingchen to his room and started removing his clothes.

"I will make sure you have my baby inside you this time," he smirked and pulled down Xingchen's lower garments.

"you look like a fresh meat which I am really dying to eat," song lan smirked but as soon as he turned aroud to close the door, he heard the giggling of a baby.

The baby was lying next to Xingchen while he kept kicking his legs in the air and hand entwined with Xingchen's hair.

"you demon!!!" Song Lan fumed and was about to walk to him but the baby made a barrier. As soon as song lan's skin touched the barried his arm burnt and he was thrown out of the room falling hard on the ground vomiting blood. Song Lan and his guards tried but nobody could pass that invisible barrier.

The Next morning xue yang fretted when he could not find xingchen and the baby anywhere but only 2 dead bodies of the attacker.

"It is song lan." Wei Ying found a locket on the ground which belonged to song lan. .

The baby was surely clever when song lan carried him, the baby made sure he left atleast some evidence.

"He will be dead the minute I see him," Xue Yang fumed and was about to rush but stopped when he saw a carving on the wooden trunk of a tree which said, "May your baby rest in peace."

to be continued...

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