Welcome to Wonderland

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"Vistiana I don't think think this will work. We're moving too fast. I don't want to hurt you but I don't know if I can do this." I remember Steve telling me as he paced up and down the hall. I don't remember his words hurting me then, but now. I couldn't imagine a fiercer pain. It was as though my heart had been stabbed and stomped on.

All of these emotions swarming me as I made the fall through a different dimension.

Let's see what other place could I possibly fall into. It couldn't be possible to have a random worm hole open right beneath my feet. Not to say that it isn't possible, just highly unlikely. This fall seemed to last far longer than my previous tumble through the last portal.

'Like Alice, Cheshire.' My subconscious whispered to me.

"Well I guess I've officially lost it. Congratulations Cheshire you are insane." I chuckled at myself. Feeling the air pressure change I closed my eyes feeling the adrenaline pumping through my veins.

"Jump Cheshire! Woo-hoo!" Kristy, my old University friend called as she leaped before me.

"Kristy you're insane!" I called behind her as I watched her make a splash in the pool beneath the waterfall.

"Come on! Is the Great Cheshire Cat chicken?" She teased as she floated on her back away from the falls.

"What the heck kind of question is that!" I screamed as I backed away from the edge of the fall.

"Wait! Chesh I was just kidding! Come back!" She shouted after me.

Grinning wildly, I continued my backwards step from the edge. As my heart rate increased I felt my blood heat up. My adrenaline began to pump madly. Continuing my backwards pace I took a deep, shaky, breath and ran forward at full speed.

My legs pumping beneath me as I built up speed I felt the wind whip around me. As the edge got nearer and nearer my grin widened further. Running right off of the edge of the cliff I let out a scream and curled in on myself. Feeling the world tilt and turn around me I laughed like a wild woman.

"Cheshire? Where are you!" Kristy called out from beneath me.

"Incoming!" I said feeling the exhilaration peak as I made my impact.

"Ma'am? Hey, are you alright?" A voice asked from above me.

"Ugh. I'm not sure. Am I still in one piece?" I groaned as I sat up and leaned on my forearms.

"Yes. From as far as I can see. So you are either a villain or you're not from around here." The man said as he helped me stand up.

"No I am definitely not from around here." I said as I shook the soreness from my bones.

"You took a pretty hard fall. Aren't you sore in the slightest?" He asked as he glanced over me.

"Um. Not really. Where am I?" I asked looking around me into the blackness that equated to night time. I looked to have landed in an alley of some kind in between two large brick walls. The ground was damp and littered with random papers and cans. Turning back I looked into the masked face of my finder. From around the mask he had very attractive facial features, but that's beside the point.

"You're in Gotham." He said glancing around us quickly.

"And you are?" I asked as I dusted myself off.



"So either it was an uber random black hole or someone opened a trans-dimensional doorway. But why and how?" I muttered to myself as I paced up and down the alley way.

"Miss-" He hesitated as he waited for me to mention my name.

"Cheshire. Just Cheshire." I said taking a deep breath. Trying to calm myself down to think completely clearly.

"Interesting name. You should come with me." He suggested as he came closer to me.

"Wait! I need you to listen and not jump to any conclusions. I know you, but only because where I'm from you don't exist. You aren't real. Not reality! I know you are Dick Grayson and I need you to take me to the League." I tell him as I lean against one of the brick walls.

"Come on!" He says grabbing my arm and trying to pull me into his side.

"No! I'm fine! Just let me follow you. I promise I can keep up." I said with a smirk as I took a step to the side.

"Are you sure. What I do is a little dangerous. And you don't exactly look like you're one to do what I do." He chuckled as he unlatched something from his belt.

"Just go and I'll follow." I laughed as I rolled my shoulder.

"Okay." He said before launching, what I'm assuming was a zip line. "Keep up if you can." He calls as the gadget lifts him from the ground with a whirring noise and breeze.

"Easy." I chuckle as I take a running start I run up the wall. Feeling gravity try to fight against me I push harder and add some of my speed to my ascent. Catching up with Nightwing I laugh and give him a wave before passing him and pulling myself over the edge of the building.

"What was that you were saying earlier?" I laugh as he follows a few seconds later.

"I'm impressed. Where'd you learn to do that?" He asked as he reloaded his launcher.

"I've been doing this stuff for years. It just comes naturally now. So where do we go next?" I ask as I look around the top of the building.

"Now we meet the big man himself." He said as he continued to walk across the roof.

"And how do you expect to do that good sir. Are we just going to leap over roofs until we reach his 'hide out'." I asked as I placed my hands on my hips. I know I was probably acting like the most ungrateful "damsel" ever.

"Of course not. He's on his way now." Nightwing shrugged as a light wind began to pick up. Our transportation seemingly appearing out of nowhere.

"Nice." I said with a wide grin spreading across my face.

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