I can be your hero too

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"Wonderful!" I beam at everyone in the lab. I have no clue what it is about labs that just make me so gitty. "Hello gentlemen. My name is Cheshire." I introduce myself to the few men bustling about the room with their heads down.

"It is a pleasure to meet you Ms. Cheshire. We have heard plenty about you. My name is Mark Tasin." One of the men, I'm assuming is the head scientist.

"And I hope they were all good things. So what do we have with us today?" I ask figuring the pleasantries went well enough. Stringing Dick along behind me I follow Mark.

"These were previously occupying the lab. So as we are moving these things out would you all like to follow me to make blue prints?" He asks as he motions us to a table in the corner of the room.

"Yes of course." I nod adamantly. Glancing up at Dick he nods his head for me to continue. Sitting at the table I look down at the blue print paper.

"I have a photographic memory. Do any of you mind?" I ask them all as I grasp the image of the blueprints Bruce, Tony, and I made.

"Feel free to. Perhaps that will help the process quicker." Mark agrees leaning forward in his seat. Assuming Bruce and Dick didn't or wouldn't care I get to work.

Using my super speed I draw out the blueprints with labels. Within two minutes the prints are finished.

"That was superb!" Mark says grasping the paper and feeling the lines.

"Thanks. So when do you think we'll be able to get started on building it?" I ask readjusting myself in my seat.

"We may have to wait until tomorrow. Some of these things we have to attain." He says calming down some as he continues to read over the paper.

"That is fine. I wouldn't expect you all to have this stuff on hand. So shall we resume this tomorrow Mr. Tasin?" I ask with a grin as I reach my hand out to shake his.

"We shall. Have a good afternoon Ms. Cheshire." He says shaking my hand and leaving us at the table.

"Wow. I've never seen the business side of you." Dick chuckles as he stands from his seat.

"I agree." Bruce says walking ahead of us.

"Oh stop it you two. I can be serious when I have to be. So what are the plans for today?" I ask them as I follow them out of the room.

"I just got a call from GCPD looks like Joker and half of Arkham is loose." Bruce sighs as he speeds up his pace.

"Right behind you Bats." Dick calls before turning back to me. "I'll be back soon." He says as he kisses my forehead.

"I know we will. Don't think I'm just going to sit here while you two go fight crime. I'm a super too you know." I scoff as I jog behind Bruce.

"Cheshire-" Bruce begins.

"Nope. I'm coming. End of discussion. How are we getting there?" I ask changing the topic.

"We are taking a zeta tube." He sighs giving in to the fact that there is no Changing my mind.

"That sounds fun." I chuckle dryly. We jog the rest of the way in silence.

Finally reaching what would look like a landing pad Bruce and Dick step on. Shrugging I step up too. After a second a bright light surrounds us and we are in an alley.

"That. Was cool." I say in awe as I look around us.

"Split up. And keep your eyes and ears open. Here Cheshire. This should keep you in tune with the GCPD's frequency and ours." Bruce says handing me a small ear piece. "Be safe." He says before shooting a grappling hook and going up a building.

"I think he has a soft spot for me." I chuckle. "Dick I love you. Be as careful as you can, okay?" I tell him as I turn to see him glaring at the ground.

"I will. You be careful too." He sighs lifting his head and staring me down with his baby blues.

"I will." I smile widely at him. Blowing him a kiss I turn and run up a wall.

Finally reaching the top I swim myself over the ledge and kneel there for a while waiting to hear if anything or anyone has been seen.

'Hey Cheshire I found Poison Ivy. Can I have a little back up?' Dick asks through the earpiece.

"Yeah give me a location and I'll be there." I ask him as I decide the fastest way to get to him.

'The horticulture building. About a block from where we came in.'

"On the way." I confirm leaping off of the building. Please let this work. Come on falcon! I chant in my head as I feel wings sprout and my body shrink. As features shift and mold. Letting out a shout I arc towards where Dick directed me.

'An ETA would be nice Chesh!' He grunts. Catching sight of both Dick and who I assume be Poison Ivy who is scantily dressed and swaying her way over to a vine wrapped Nightwing.

Letting out another cry I dive for her. As she dodges to the side landing on her back.

"I didn't know you had a pet Love." She says as she stands and dusts off the gravel. Getting closer to the ground I shift back taking up a stance before her.

"What's this a new Bat family member? That can shape shift. That's adorable. But you will fall just like every other Despoiler." She continues as she paces around me. Raising her hand plants burst through the cement and strike at me.

"I don't think so." I chuckle as I throw a few throwing knives in Dicks direction slicing through the vines as I dodge some of my own.

Running towards Ivy I dive and knock her feet from beneath her. Taking her arms I take a broken vine and wrap it around her wrists.

"I'm not like all of the 'Despoilers' I actually give a crap about nature. I have taken multiple sciences and the Earth is a pretty big part of that." I tell her calmly as I haul her to her feet.

"I see." She says with her head bowed.

"I'll take care of Ivy. Scarecrow was spotted on the other side of town. Be careful okay?" Dick says putting a hand on Ivy's shoulder and kissing my forehead.

"Aren't I always." I smirk as I walk away and dislodge my throwing knives.

"No." He says before walking over to a cop car I just noticed.

"Whatever!" I laugh as I blur over to the other side of town. "Hey what building?" I ask Dick through the earpiece.

'The creepiest building within the area of the psyche ward.' He says with a noticeable grin in his voice.

"Okay. I can absolutely tell." I sigh across the street is a large dark paneled house. With large bay windows.

Here goes everything.

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