Rage of a Fan-girl

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"How far away is the Hall of Justice?" I ask as I sit in one of the seats with my knees to my chest. I don't mind flying but sitting still for too long really starts to get to me.

"It isn't to far. An hour at the most. What you don't like planes?" Jason asks as he watches me carefully. Making me feel even more so like a caged animal.

"I don't mind planes. But sitting still for too long makes me anxious." I tell him as I pull at the cloth fibers of my outfit. "But I will be fine." I say more to myself then to Jason.

"Bruce says we should be there within the hour. Are you sure you are okay Chesh?" Dick asks me as he takes the seat next to me.

"Peachy. Don't worry about me. Tell me about the League." I say trying to keep my mind from wandering over all of the possible routes of escape in an emergency.

"The big three are most well known. Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman. They were the first official members of the League. Then Martian Manhunt, Aquaman, Flash, Hawkgirl, and Green Lantern joined. They all handle most of the major things in the League. There are tons of other members that I think you will enjoy hanging out with. But for now we are meeting with the head leaguers." Dick explained as I began to relax slightly.

"Wow. Some of them are pretty much self explanatory and there are the comics from my dimension. But tell me about them." I sighed as I felt myself calming down and releasing my clutch on me legs.

"Well Superman was initially from Krypton a planet that exploded a while ago. He can fly, has super strength and speed, and has lazer vision. Batman, you know all about him already. Wonder Woman is from the Amazon, a princess actually, she and Superman pretty much have the same powers. Except instead of lazer vision she has her 'lasso of truth'." He said then leaning over he whispered.

"It can make anyone spill about their plans." He said then leaned back over in his seat. "Martian Manhunter is from mars. He can shape shift and take on the abilities of whatever form. Aquaman is king of the seas and can communicate with marine life. Flash has super speed. Hawkgirl, well it's exactly what her name is." He chuckled as he threw his arm around my shoulder.

"And last but not least The Green Lantern. He gets his powers from a ring he got from a planet named Oa. It gives him the ability to manifest almost anything with the ring. So we have a pretty cool array of supers in the League." He sighed.

"Landing." Bruce called to us as we began to descend.

"Finally!" I groan hopping up from my seat and stretching."Thanks Dick." I smile at him as he stands beside, and over, me.

"No problem. Are you ready?" He asks wrapping his arm back around my shoulder.

"As I'll ever be." I sigh.

"I have a question. And I don't know if lover boy noticed but why are you fading? I can almost see through you." Jason asks stopping Dick and I from moving forward.

"What?" Dick almost shouts backing away to look at me. "He's right! You're barely there!"

"Guys calm down!" I tell them holding both of my hands up to them. "I fade out when I get nervous. It's just a part of my powers. It's another reason I'm named Cheshire." I tell them hurriedly as I relax and begin to fade back in.

"Thanks for giving us a heads up." Jason says with a smirk. I almost had the urge to slap the smirk from his face.

"Is everything alright back here?" Bruce demands as he reaches us.

"Yeah. We're all good. We just learned another reason why she is named Cheshire." Dick chuckled rubbing the back of his head.

"And what reason is that?" He asks looking down at me through his cowl.

"This." I say with a flourish, purely for show, as I disappear into thin air.

"Cheshire? Is she still here?" Bruce asks as he glances around looking for me.

"Yes I'm still here. Just invisible." I say as I reappear behind them nearer to the door.

"That can come in handy." He mutters as we walk off of the jet.

Slowing down I let him lead us towards where we need to be. Taking deep breaths I glance around where we are. We seem to have landed on a landing pad on the roof of a building. I can see a city off in the distance then on the other side a wide space of water. Entering an elevator on the roof we stand and wait as the floors go by.

If you have never stood in a small box with three tall and quite buff superheros it is one thing everyone should do. My inner fangirl was going insane.

'Muscles, muscles, muscles! My precious! The feels!'

For some reason or another my inner fangirl sounded like Gollum. Subconsciously my hand wrapped firmly around Dicks bicep. Enjoying the feeling I could feel him chuckling beside me.

"Are you enjoying that?" He asks as the doors finally open.

"Shut up. This is an unhealthy addiction." I groan as I continue to feel his bicep. As we are walking he flexes his arm and I almost swoon.

"You're right." He chuckles. "That is unhealthy." He says as he wraps the arm I was previously gripping around my waist.

"You think it's easy being a fangirl? To see a picture of their muscles and fall down and cry and throw yourself out of a window! You think I wanted this. You think I asked for this. You don't know me! You don't know anything!" I pretended to shout at him with a goofy grin on my face. I poked his chest, punctuating my sentences with a poke.

"Your so pretty when you fangirl." He laughs as we keep walking.

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