Do we have a deal

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"Why do you want to get back so badly? Got a guy home waiting for you?" Nightwing asked with a chuckle. If only he knew how right he was.

"No. I wish." I muttered as I felt a sharp pain go through my chest. "That wouldn't be the point even if you were right. There is a war coming in that dimension and I have to be there. They need me." I say crossing my arms and tapping my toe.

"Who are you fighting against?" Batman asks me as he sits down at his computer and begins to type away.

"A norse God named Loki 'the god of mischief'. We don't know what he is planing yet but it is safe to say it is probably no good. And it is extremely important that I get back there. Plus the people there are my family!" I groaned running my hands over my face.

"I understand. I am calling in some co-workers to assist as best as we can." Bruce said slipping off his cowl and ruffle his short jet black hair.

"I appreciate this more then you can possibly imagine." I tell them as an impossibly wide grin stretches across my face. Before I remember I'll also be returning to Steve.

Steve. The first guy I thought could actually be the one and be broke my heart. The last time I was broken was after my parents were killed. And that turned my whole world upside down. But when I met Steve everything kind of just realigned. But now I don't know what to feel.

"Hey Cheshire! Anyone there?" Nightwing called as he waved his hand in front of me. Then bending around me to look into my eyes. I never really realized what a pretty blue his eyes were. The ones that seem to look right through me and into my heart always have blue eyes. Just like my dad.

"Um yeah I'm fine. Just got lost in thought. When will your friends get here or are we going to them?" I ask as my exhaustion from training catches up with me.

"We are going to them. But we will leave in the morning. We need rest first. I will have Alfred show you to your room." Bruce says as a older man walks into the room.

"Don't worry Alfred I'll show Cheshire to her room. It's just down the hall from my room." Dick offered excitedly.

"Thank you." I yawned, covering my mouth in surprise.

"No problem. Come on." He said grasping my hand and pull me along with him.

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