Who do you think you are

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"Alright enough flirting. I have questions that need answers." Batman demanded as we took a lift to the cave.

"And I guess it's just your luck because I have answers." I smirk.

"Because it doesn't seem likely your parents would name you Cheshire what is your actual name?" He asked not beating around the bush.

"Vistiana Brier." I answer without batting an eye.

"That's a pretty name." I hear Nightwing mutter from beside me.

"You said this all started at some space station. Mind explaining? " He asked as the lift stopped on the ground floor. Or perhaps I should say below ground floor.

"I got up one morning and was preparing to start my internship at NASA. Everything was pretty normal. Or as far normal as I can possibly be. After we left my Aunt and Uncles home my Uncle and I rode to the station. After a short tour I found out the other scientist were doing a side project." I began following the two men off of the elevator.

"In my Dimension neither of you are actual people. Your characters in comics. As well as the people in the Dimension I was in before this one. The scientists asked for me to join them in their project. I did of course I'm a sucker for science. So I found the correct coordinates to open the worm hole they were trying to imitate. Being the adrenaline junky I am I leapt through to try out the connection. After I came through the connection broke and I lost contact with my dimension. After being their for a while the scientist there helped me rebuild the machine. It worked." I sighed.

"But the time was so different from when I left. My family and friends had aged and were dying." I continued as I closed my eyes and ran my hands through my hair. "So I stayed instead of going home. Then things happened and I was sucked through another hole and landed here." I finished with a weak smile. "But I have to get back there! And it would mean so much if you all would help me."

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