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As if a bell goes off Nightwing and I launch ourselves at one another. The first moment of the fight is a blur. I block and knock his escrima sticks out of the way as I land light blows on him. Trying not to injure him to badly. As he performs turns, flips, kicks and punches that would have anyone else incapacitated I knock them away.

Deciding to up the fun a little more I fade in and out as I dodge his attacks.

"Pretty good there. Hope you can keep up though." He chuckles. As if flipping a switch our speed increases. I direct my body into slipping through his defenses and sending jabs in. I move lithely, feeling my muscles contract and tense as I strike.

"Do you see that? Her face is, changing." Someone in the crowd hisses.

"Chesh are you feeling okay?" Nightwing asks me.

"Never better. I could do this-s-s for hours-s-s." I tell him with a grin.

"Alright guys time out for a second." Superman says separating us from striking each other again.

"What's-s-s up?" I ask noticing my hissing s's. "Did you hear that?" I ask before slapping a hand over my mouth.

"Cheshire do you have the ability of shape shifting?" Martian Manhunter asks as he comes through the crowd. Shaking my head 'no' vigorously I pull my hands from my mouth.

"Not that I am aware of." I answer trying to avoid any S' s.

"Well it looks like you do now." Superman says with a smile.

"How does-s-s this-s-s work?" I ask in a panicked state. What if I'm stuck like this! No, no, no! I am Cheshire I am a feline! I am quick and agile and enjoy napping and baths! So that went a little wonky. Anyways, how do I get back to normal.

"You're doing it again." Dick says shaking me from my reverie.

"What? What am I doing again?" I ask with a groan as I feel something hit the back of my leg. "What the heck!" I yelp as I turn to a large grey and blue tail.

"You were thinking about cats weren't you?" Dick asks as he chuckles. Holding my tail I glance up at everyone and nod yes.

"This is far from the point but that is adorable." Flash says from the edge of the crowd.

"It seems when you think of what a form includes you shift with the thoughts. Try thinking of being human." Martian Manhunter suggests as he observes me.

"Okay." Closing my eyes I think of smooth skin and long fingers. But mostly being held by Dick smooth skin and my long multi color hair and grey eyes.

"Wonderful. With some practice you could get it under control." He says as he drifts away.

"That was...interesting?" I chuckle as the crowd dispursts.

"That it was. I'm going to grab a shower. I'll meet you in the dinning room. It's just down the hall and to your right." Dick says as he runs a hand through his damp hair.

"Okay." I smile as he turns and leaves. Going through another door I walk down the hall. After walking for a while I come to the conclusion that I am lost.

"Hey Cheshire you're looking a little confused." I hear a voice from behind me call.

"Oh hey Arrow. Yeah I'm just a bit lost. I was trying to find the dinning room to wait for Nightwing. But obviously that's not going very well." I chuckle.

"Well you aren't that far off. Just take this right and you're good to go." He says holding the door open for me.

"Thanks!" I tell him with a gracious smile.

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