The Soldier and The Bird

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'Vistianna come to me Kitten. It seems we have a few pesky heros here who think they can stop us.' Loki's velvety voice enters my mind. Urging me to do his will. As much as I try to turn and fight him I can't seem to go against him.

Standing before him are the Avengers and the Justice League. And in front of them are Steve and Dick.

'My Dear it seems we have an opening for one of your boytoys. Which will it be?' He asks aiming his scepter between the two men.

'Vistianna! Please!' I hear Steve shout. I don't hear Dick say anything. Turning to him his gaze meets mine. The only words that leave his lips are, 'I understand.'

Turning back to Loki I kneel before him.

'My Lord they are of no use to me.' I say in an empty and cold voice that I barely recognize to be mine. On the inside I am screaming and shouting and pounding away at myself trying to get through. But it seems I am locked or buried to deep for anyone to hear me.

Watching Loki aim first at Steve then at Dick. Steve sits with his head dropped in defeat as Dick sits his gaze locked onto mine. A single tear slides down both of our cheeks simultaneously.

Before I can blink his blue eyes have widened and dulled still connected to mine. I can feel my body fall to its knees in sorrow and pain a deep heart wrenching sob tearing its way through me. Another cry comes from Steve who is now lying on his side. Another sob tears through me.

'Dispose of them Kitten.' Loki orders me.

'Yes sire.' I say without hesitation as I stand and drag both of my loves bodies away.

"I'm so sorry. I am so sorry." I sob as I hold the bodies close to me. Feeling a shaking sensation I release the bodies making another sob erupt.

"Vistianna! Please wake up." I hear Dick beg. My eyes shoot open to be met with his sharp blue eyes in the darkness. Sitting up immediately I wrap my arms around him.

"Dick! I love you!" I cry after a moment my words register in my mind. In shock, I pull away and watch his expression.

"I love you too." He says with a luminescent smile as I feel his warmth embrace me. "Come on you need to sleep. I promise the nightmares won't come back with me here." He says determined as he lays next to me. An arm wrapped around my waist and my back pressed snuggly to his chest.

It's almost as though we fit together like puzzle pieces. Closing my eyes I listen to the gentle lulling of Dicks breathing. Matching his breaths I find myself falling back to sleep.

I could get pretty used to this. Lying wrapped in his strong firm arms without nightmares.

I used to let Steve hold me tight to his chest as well. But he never laid with me when I had nightmares. Never planned a future with me. He was more of a friend then a boyfriend now that I think about it. He wasn't much for playing silly games or just laughing for the heck of it. Perhaps it was because of the things he has been through. But things just seem to fit more with Dick.

Steve isn't a problem for me now though. He broke up with me so I can be free to be with whoever I please.

"Go to sleep. I can hear the cogs turning from out here." Dick chuckles from behind me.

"Sorry." I chuckle swatting thoughts of Steve out of my head and focusing on now with this loveable goofball. Before I can think any further, my mind blanks and I am asleep.

Rolling onto my other side I reach out for Dicks warmth. Only to be met by cold and empty sheets. I groan as I sit up and look around for him. My eyes land on a piece of paper on the dresser.

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