Uncle Fury

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"Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up!" I tell Dick as I lean over his face already fully dressed. Groaning I lean down and peck him on the lips. "Wake up!" I whine as I try not to shout in excitement.

"You've got to kiss better then that Princess Charming." He mummurs with one eye open.

"I don't think you can handle that Sleeping Beauty." I chuckle as I bring myself closer to him.

"I beg to differ." He whispers.

"Beg all you want." I say pecking his lips again before leaping away from him before he can deepen the kiss. "But word has it the parts came in today." I laugh as he groans and sits up.

"Such a tease." He huffs as he climbs out of bed as well.

"I'm the tease you love." I giggle as he pulls his suit on. Face planting on the bed I give him some privacy.

"Ready." He tells me as he pulls me up by the waist.

"Good!" I smile as we walk to the door. As the door opens I grab Dicks hand and speed to the lab.

"Thanks for the warning." He grunts as we walk through the lab door.

"No problem." I tell him with a smirk as we walk over to Batman and Mark. "Good morning Mark, Batman. So do we have all of the parts?" I ask as we near them.

"Actually we do. They are ready for assembly. I am pretty sure that you have everything after this under control?" He asks.

"I do. It has been an absolute pleasure to work with you Mr. Tasin." I tell him with a sharp edge of excitement in my voice.

"Nonsense. I wish you the best of luck." He says with a nod before leaving the three of us in the lab.

"I'll leave you two to it." Bruce says leaving as well. Turning to Dick he releases my hand.

"Go on if you need me I'm right here." He chuckles sitting on the table. Squealing I use my super speed and begin to build the machine.

Every couple of minutes I would stop to look at the blueprints and make sure I was on the right track.

"This final bolt and it's finished!" I say excitedly as I toss the bolt between my hands. Even with super speed it had taken a few hours to put together. But it would be worth it to see everyone again.

I hadn't really realized how much I'd missed everyone. And now iy just seemed like a tidal wave. Natasha's small smiles and adventurous nature. Clint's extremely terrible jokes that you just had to laugh at. Bruce's surprising sense of humor and how he was always so understanding. Tony's snarky attitude and... well just himself I guess. Maria my drinking partner. Phil who had always been a person I could confide in. And Nick. Well not everyone got to know Nick they way I did but I would never be able to describe his significance to me.


"Vistianna. Come with me." Nick orders as he sweeps his coat behind him as he leaves the bridge.

"Where are we going?" I ask him as I follow, skillfully avoiding the pathways of the other agents.

"A small mission. Mostly just giving orders. I figured it would be a good chance to get to know you better. With you being my god daughter and all." He said as we loaded onto a jet.

"Good point. What would you like to know?" I ask him as we settle in our seats as the engines roar to life.

"Let's see I know you are 26, a super human, majored in multiple fields of study and you have received all of your license for operating machines. Other then that not much." He says looking at me with his one eye and an utterly serious face.

"Well I have a lot of hobbies most of them involve things that could probably kill me." I chuckle some before noticing he hadn't cracked a smile. "I will make you laugh, so that's a goal. I like different genres of music, mostly songs off of Broadway." I shrug as I list some things.

"Have you ever been to Broadway?" He asks seeming more alert at this.

"No. I wish I could but it always seemed like time never would allow me." I shrug as I twiddle my fingers.

"Maybe we can go one day. I hear they have a lot of things coming up. My personal favorite is 'Wicked', tell no one." He whispers as he takes a look around the room. My jaw drops in suprise and a grin stretches my face.

"Mine too!" I gasp, singing some of the chorus to Defying Gravity. "I adore that song!" I laugh as a grin rises on Nicks face. "One step closer to my goal Nick."

"And that's as close as you are going to get." He smirks.


That week we went to Broadway and I got Fury to sing defying gravity with me before my goal was reached. It gave me a new perspective on Nick Fury. He honestly did feel like family after that.

I missed all of them with the exception of one. Steve. I don't quite know how to feel about him. But I know for a fact I love Dick but I still love Steve too. I won't ever just one day be able to wake up and say I don't love Steve anymore. But the fact is I love Dick more.

"Chesh? Anyone home?" Dick asked as he waved a hand before me. Shaking my head I come back to reality.

"Sorry." I chuckle as I catch his hand and press it to my cheek. "Lost in thought. Let me put this last piece in and we are done for today."

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