Accidents Happen

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Jerking myself from the nightmare I feel arms wrapped around my waist. Freezing in place I let my mind refocus itself, shaking off the heaviness of the nightmare. Attempting to calm my heart beat I glance over at Dick's sleeping face. His long eyelashes graced his cheeks, his chest rising and falling against me. My heart lurched as he moved closer to me his head resting on my shoulder. Smiling to myself I let myself focus on his steady breathing and warmth before I drift off to sleep.

Feeling someone move my hair away from my face I crack an eye open, to be met with a glowing blue one.

"Good morning beautiful." He says with a smirk, his voice gruff. Grinning at him I lean my head into his hand.

"Good morning." I sigh, holding his gaze for a moment longer before I glance over at the clock, the bright red numbers read a quarter past ten in the morning. "It's pretty late."

"We had a pretty eventful day. You were tired. Besides I didn't want to wake you, you looked so peaceful. Which you deserved, especially after that nightmare." He said as he traced shapes on my arm.

"I'm so sorry if I woke you." I groan as I let my head fall back into the pillows.

"Why didn't you tell me you had nightmares. You know you can tell me anything Vistiana." He says leaning over me.

"I know. It just felt irrelevant." I groan trying to avoid being sucked into the vacuum of those blue orbs.

"Nothing that keeps you up at night is irrelevant." Dick continues as he pulls me into him, hugging me tightly. Sighing and I let myself relax into his embrace. "How about some training to get your mind off of it?" He offers pulling back some to look down at me. Nodding, he let's me go. "Well I don't know about you but I've got to catch a shower." He says standing from the bed.

"I could definitely go for a shower. I'm going to imagine your suit could imagine a good cleaning. Besides you can't wear it forever, although I wouldn't complain if you did." I chuckle. "You shower, I'll go find you something to wear and get your suit cleaned up." I grin up at him glad to be away from the subject of my nightmares.

"You're the best." He chuckles leaning over and pecking my lips before walking into my in suite bathroom.

Leaving the room shortly after hearing the shower start. I dash around the helicarrier I gather a few outfits for Dick. They mostly consisted of trainers and t-shirts but they would do for the time being. As I ran around it gave me a few moments to think. Dick might have only spent the night but in the time we were sleeping weeks had gone by in his dimension. By the time my thoughts had made their course I was standing back in the middle of my room, arms filled with clothes and other toiletries.

"Right on time. As per usual." Dick says leaving the bathroom, a towel hanging lowly on his hips. My eyes bulge a little and I feel my face flush instantly. "Is that blushing I see." He laughs as he walks over to me.

Dick fully clothed is a sight enough to make me blush but seeing him still dripping from his shower toned chest bare was enough to make me stupefied. Don't get me wrong I am definitely not one to judge someone by their physical appearance but if I didn't already love this man his body would really have a major pull.

"Shut up." I grumble turning to look away as I hand him his things.

"How about you go hop in the shower and I'll get dressed out here?" He offers taking his things in his arms as he continues to smirk at me. 

"Sounds great to me." I say quickly as I glance back up at him and try not to groan as I notice his smug grin. Dashing over to my closet I take out a set of dark blue and black trainers before I dart into the bathroom. Pressing my back to the cold metal door I try to calm my heart rate. He kows exactly what he's doing to me. 

Turning on the shower I let the hot water run before I turn it down some. The warm water immediately begins to soothe my tense muscles. Using my favorite body wash and rinsing my hair I stand directly under the water for a moment, letting it run over my face before turning it off. After a few moments of prep I exit the bathroom, tying my hair in a pony tail at the nape of my neck. 

"Ready Chesh?" Dick asks looking up from whatever he had  been occupied by. 

"As ready as I'm going to be Nightwing." I tell him with a wink as I grasp his hand and pull him into the corridor. 

"The training facilities here at SHIELD are excellent! I mean it isn't as interesting as watching an army of superhero's train, but it's still interesting." I yammer on as we enter the training area.

"Very interesting." He mummers as he takes in the space. Machines, like the treadmills, are near the back of the space while weight lifting equipment lines the outer edges. The center of the room is padded, perfect for hand to hand combat and weapons training. "Where would you like to start?" He asks turning back to me after he reaches the center of the padded floor.

"Let's do some hand to hand. Although I might be a little rusty." I chuckle beginning to stalk around him.

"Well don't go easy on me Kitten." He scoffs, a cocky grin pulling at his mouth. Fighting a smile I roll my eyes continuing to stalk around the mats.

His eyes follow me as I look for any weaknesses in his form. Although his stance looks relaxed I know how quick Dick is, not as fast as me but still pretty quick. But I'm sure he knows that, his years of training have taught him many things.

Deciding to go on the offensive I launch myself at his legs, jumping over me he launches himself into a handspring to the right of me. Righting myself I quickly throw a few punches at him before spinning myself around him I grasp his arm twisting it gently behind him.

"Alright you've got me this time." He surrenders with a sigh. Releasing him I peck his cheek before stepping back and taking my stance.

"Round two?" I ask as a grin spreads across my face. With a nod Dick launches himself at me in a flurry of punches, kicks, and attempts at pinning the other. After a few minutes of sparring Dick throws a fake punch letting me block it while he drops and takes my legs from under me. Falling onto my back he pins me beneath him.

"Okay you win this round." I giggle catching my breath while I stare into his glowing blue eyes. 

"Yes I did. I think I deserve a prize." He chuckles, looking down at me. As he leans in my eyes flutter closed as his lips meet mine. While we are caught in our little moment the door slides open. We break apart as we feel the breeze from the door, with a small grin on my face I look up to meet another pair of piercing blue eyes. Belonging to one Captain America.

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