Portal Master

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"Come on." I groan dragging Dick behind me, trying to refrain from speeding us over to the 'Promenade'.

"I'm coming speedy." He chuckles jogging next to me as we enter the room.

"Well good morning you two." Diana greets us with a bright smile as she sees us enter, as Superman and Bruce turn to greet us with a nod.

"Good morning. The machine is finished and is ready for testing." Dick says before I can force the words out over my excited smile.

"That's good news. let's all meet in the lab an hour from now to give it a go." Superman says with a smile as he glances at all of us. Nodding excitedly I drag Dick back out of the room and towards our quarters.

"I'm glad to see you so excited." He chuckles as he is finally realeased from my grasp as we enter the room.

"Of course!" I chuckle grasping the few things I've accumulated during my stay. "Not only do I get to return to some of the people I've come to love I get to go back with you."

Watching me pack he leans against the wall with the smuggest grin on his face. I don't know how but even that simple action made some of his muscles more noticeable. This man is impossible.

"Some one is looking pretty smug." I jest walking over to him with my back pack.

"Just a little. We've still got half an hour before the League gets there." He chuckles as he looks down at my excited face. Groaning I pull him over towards the bed, tossing him onto the bed I climb in next to him and rest my head on his chest.

"I think our late night excursions are catching up to me." I chuckle, hearing  his laugh rumble in his chest.

"Why don't you catch some shut eye. I'll wake you up when it's time to go." He says as he starts to run his hands through my hair. Humming in agreement I begin to drift off.
------------------Dicks P.O.V.-----------------------

Letting her drag and push me on the bed I smile as she climbs in next to me and rests her head on my chest. Her dark grey and blue streaked hair sprawled out behind her.

"I think our late night excursions are catching up to me." She mumbles before chuckling. Laughing silently I begin running my fingers through her hair.

"Why don't you catch some shut eye. I'll wake you up when it's time to go." I tell her as I feel her relax.

It's pretty crazy to think that just a week ago this woman, literally, fell into my life. It's even crazier to think that I have most definitely fallen for her. I mean how could I not. She is not only one of the most unique people I've ever met but also one of the smartest and most giving as well.

When we went to Gotham to handle some of the Rogues Bruce and I did overhear her conversation with Scarecrow. Of course Bruce and I had tried to get Scarecrow to open up, just as we did with all of the others, but it seemed almost impossible. Until Vistiana, a complete stranger to all of Gotham's inhabitants arrived. It took some gentle prodding but he opened up easily enough.

She's like a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma. There is still so much about her that I don't know, like what her life was like before all of this or where and how she grew up. But once this war is over I am going to take every opportunity to learn those things about her.

As my thoughts ran wild my fingers continued to run through Vistiana's hair, coaxing soft snores from her. Smiling, I glance over at the bedside clock we still had ten minutes before we had to be there. But knowing Cheshire she'd want to get there early to have everything prepared.

Gently waking her I hear a small groan as I disturb her sleep.

"We've got ten minutes until they get to the lab. I figured you'd want to have some prep time." I chuckle as her light blue and grey speckled eyes glance up to me with a look of slight irritation but it is quickly replaced with something else.

Sitting up, one hand bracing herself on my chest, her eyes captivating me for a long moment.


Feeling a gentle hand stroke my face I groan realizing its time to wake up.

"We've got ten minutes until they get to the lab. I figured you'd want to have some prep time." I hear Dick say as he chuckles at me. Glancing up into his blue eyes I stiffen slightly.

'You love him!'  A voice whispers to me. And no matter how hard I try to convince myself otherwise I know that the irritating voice is right. I think I might love Richard Grayson.

Sitting up, bracing myself on his broad chest, I gaze at him for a long moment. Snapping myself out of the trance his eyes had ensnared me in.

"We should probably go." I tell him looking away, trying to beat down the blush rising to my cheeks. Glancing back up at him through my lashes I catch his shocked face. "What?"

"I don't know if this is normal for you. But you're blushing blue." He says as he leans forward and putting both of his hands to my cheeks.

"This is definitely a new occurrence. It is sadly something we'll have to talk about later though." I sigh resting further into his hands.

"Agreed." He says running his thumb across my cheek before dropping his hands and climbing out of the bed. Turning back to me he holds out a hand to assist me.

"This is it!" I tell him as I grasp his hand with a smile stretched across my face.

"Yes it is." He chuckles. Walking over to the door I wrap an arm around his waist, before he has the chance to object I shoot forward launching us in the direction of the labs. Feeling him clinch up beside me I barely bite back my laughter. Coming to a stop at the door I keep an arm around him in hopes he doesn't topple over. "Sorry my excitement got the better of me."

"I can see that." He groans stumbling forward a little. "Definitely need a warning next time." He grumbles opening the lab doors.

"I'll work on that." I beam as I help him over to one of the tables before going over to check the stats on the machine.

Everything appears to be fine from this side, entering the coordinates on the machines keypad it isn't too long after that the Leaguers begin to trickle in. Batman, J'onn, and Flash enter first a previous conversation ceasing as they enter the room. In the next moment the others come in.

"Good morning everyone!" I greet cherily. "I'd like to introduce you all to our transdimensional doorway. I've already entered the coordinates into the keypad so there is only one thing left to do." I tell them as I walk back towards the machine.

"And we're sure this will create a portal and not a black hole?" Superman interjects.

"I am ninety-eight percent sure that this will not create a black hole." I tell him as my namesakes grin spreads across my face.

"That grin does not make me feel any more assured." I hear Flash mummble under his breath.

"Well we leave it in your hands Cheshire." Batman says with a nod and a small grin. Nodding back to him I continue towards the machine. With a deep breath and a suprisingly shaky hand I enter the coordinates.

I'm finally going to get to see the people who have become my family again. The people who have become a very large part of my life. SHIELD had become a home to me and if it weren't for Dick it would probably be a home I would return to without a second thought. But going home to my family with Dick. Just the thought of having him to come home to puts a smile on my face. 

As these thoughts fill my head I felt a breeze begin to pick up around me.

"Chesh. What's going on the machine isn't moving but there's definitely a breeze coming through." I hear Flash call over the swirling winds.

"I'm going home." I sigh feeling Dick's hand in mine. After a second Flashes words hit me. The machine isn't doing anything? But that doesn't make sense if the machine isn't doing anything then what's going on. "Wait! What?" I gasp turning in the direction of the winds. Realizing that the wormhole is radiating from behind me.

"It's coming from you!" I hear Bruce shout as the winds pick up.

Before I have time to react to Bruce's words we are all sucked into the swirling doorway.

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