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12:37 pm:

    So she texted me asking me to do something but I was showering so I answered her text when I got out and she had to bring my boyfriend into this and say he's not allowed to come over for a while ALL BECAUSE I WAS SHOWERING AND DIDNT ANSWER HER OR DO WHAT SHE ASKED BECAUSE I WAS SHOWERING. I LITERALLY TOLD HER I COULD DO IT NOW THAT I AM OUT AND SHE STILL HAD TO BE A WHINY BITCH ABOUT IT. Like fuck you and your shit you fucking asshole I'm done talking to you for the weekend. And I was even gonna suggest playing some board games but nope. Fuck you. Go fuck yourself.

Asshole parents = rebellious kids.

6:32 pm:

Everything seems off as fuck. Like about an hour ago I went downstairs for a popsicle and tried to sneak it bc I want to avoid interaction with her but she was napping. Then when I was on my way back she was awake so I couldn't act sneaky so I was normal, said "hi" and didn't even get a response or a look over to my direction. And my dad is laying on his bed on his phone. Did they have an argument or something?? What's going on?? So I asked him if everything was okay and he said yeah. So I left it alone. I haven't checked since then, it's 6:30 now and I don't think I'm gonna check again for a bit.

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