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3:56 am:

    It's so funny how she wants to get on me for staying up when SHE is still up, and this is a quarantine-summer break thing rn. I'll start going to bed earlier in the next few days for school but that's what I've been doing. This one night I stay up until 4 and it's the end of the world. Whatever y'all. I'm not even that mad about it I'm just ranting cuz I think it's funny I guess.

    Also, me and my boyfriend are supposed to hang out today (7/20) but I think he changed plans but idk so I think Tuesday is what's going on.

6:15 pm:

Ok so I take a biotin pill every day for my hair, skin, and nails. I remembered I needed to take it today. So I went downstairs to take it and my mom says I need to sweep the living room. Well like bruh. I know sweeping isn't that hard, the vacuum isn't heavy, it's just that she didn't need me to do anything at all, until she saw I came downstairs. My point is that she doesn't really need me to sweep the carpet, but she wanted me to as a power move as a parent. And since I knew that, it pissed me off. Sweeping isn't a big deal. It would be annoying to do since I'm doing other stuff right now, but not a big deal. But when she does this shit just to show authority, that pisses me off.

6:19 pm:

Plus, we are only sweeping for this thing this Saturday (Idek what it is). So I suggested that we sweep more towards the day bc then we don't have to sweep twice and waste time. She didn't listen. She made me do it anyway. Then after she took it from me bc I "wasn't doing it good enough", she finished it. And she goes "I told you the carpet needed it" and once again I gotta remind her, "I didn't say it didn't need it, I said that we could use this time to be more productive and do something else and sweep closet to Saturday so we don't have to do it twice." And she pulls this bullshit, "well it would've bugged me for Tuesday through Friday so 4 days." Bugged you? Bitch this shit is nothing why tf would it bug you. I didn't see anything wrong with the carpet anyway. I just don't get her. I don't get why it would bug her. It makes absolutely no sense. It's a damn carpet. Whatever, so she wasted my time and she's gonna waste it again when she tells me to come back down here and do more shit, when ONCE AGAIN, we can do it CLOSER TO SATURDAY!!!!

8:22 pm:

    I miss my baby and I'm bawling my eyes out. Yeah I know this has nothing to do with my mom but I'm just confused on why I'm crying when I'm gonna see my baby tmrw. Idk wtf's wrong with me.

8:24 pm:

Lmao maybe it's my period making me emotional.

8:42 pm:

    Idk I stopped crying and went downstairs and got m&m's and now I'm back upstairs. Lmao.

11:40 pm:

    Ok the tension just got worse I'm not allowed to sleep good anymore so fuck me then. I can't fucking wait until I move out of this god forsaken shithole.

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