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6:29 pm:

    So I was talking about how Elsa in Frozen II was gonna be lesbian and have a gf (note: I hate Frozen with a huge ass passion but I was only gonna watch the sequel for 2 reasons:  resolution and bc Elsa was gonna be big gay and be the first lesbian Disney Princess) and I went on about how they released a teaser with her being lesbian and parents complained so much that they rewrote the whole movie just to remove the Gay Shit™️ and my mom is like "Good. She doesn't need to be gay"
And I'm like "well she'd be the first finest princess to be gay so it'd be cool"
My dad goes "why does she have to be gay"
And my mom goes "idk it's a trend in middle school to be gay or whatever" and I'm sitting here, a closeted bisexual (closeted to family only) and I'm also like wtf I'm in high school bitch. And I'm like "no? What the hell? It's not a frickin trend, I just wanted to see some LGBTQ+ representation in Disney, you dang homophobes."
And she's like "whatever"
I'm like "y'all are dumb boomers"

Story of my life, when we bring up LGBTQ+ topics.

7:35 pm:

    So I was going upstairs with a hot chocolate and a snack-sized bag of Doritos and I told my mom about some Melanie Martinez thing and she's like "oh cool" and as I go to walk upstairs, she looks over and goes "so that's your dinner?"
And I'm like "no?"
She goes "have you eaten anything else?"
Me: "I did ear– I don't know"
"So you're having Doritos for dinner"
"No I'm having it as a snack and I was going upstairs to watch American Horror Story"
"Just cuz you're watching something doesn't make it not dinner"
"Well it isn't dinner it's a snack"
"It's 7:30"
"I told you I could make you an egg sandwich"
"Well I don't want an egg sandwich"
Then my dad walks downstairs and he smacks me behind the head, idk how my hot cocoa didn't spill, and I go "Bro?!!" and he goes "don't talk to her like that" and I'm like "what the heck?"
He goes "stop with that attitude" and I'm sitting here in my head like: I JUST DIDN'T WANT AN EGG SANDWICH OH MY GOD PLUS HOW IS A SNACK SIZED BAG OF DORITOS "DINNER"? SOMEONE EXPLAIN

    So then she goes "whatever you can have it if you wanna be 300 lbs one day" which grosses me tf out and I'm like so confused on how a snack-sized bag with like 12 chips in it is gonna do that bullshit and so I went to the pantry and put the Doritos back and my dad goes "quit with your attitude" as if I didn't hear him the first time even tho I didn't have an attitude until my mom was interrogating me about a fucking SNACK. SIZED. BAG. OF. DORITOS. and I'm like "I didn't even–" and he cuts me off like "you were saying 'so?', 'and??'" like he mocked me and I'm sitting here like okay fuck you too you fucking boomer. So then I went to the stairs and she's like "I said you can have it"
And I'm like "well I don't want it anymore I lost my appetite"

    And as I'm walking upstairs with my hot cocoa all I can hear is her ranting on about some bullshit and I'm like "Jesus Christ can I ever just do something without being interrogated for 20 mins about it??? My god"

    My life in a nutshell :)

(Now imma watch AHS)

10:32 pm:

    K so my dad is making me eat pizza rolls which like lmao I love pizza rolls but I'm not hungry rn and I wanna go to bed. And I also never ended up watching AHS sadly, but I might stay up and watch an episode or watch an episode when I get home from school tmrw. Bruh I have a bio test tmrw and I don't wanna do it. I also have finals all next week and a presentation in speech. I hate speech class so much. But I get out for winter break on December 20th so that's good. I go back on January 6th.

10:39 pm:

The pizza rolls are good.

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