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9:44 pm

    So I just came out as bisexual to my mom and she reacted worse than I thought she would. She basically said "that's not right in my point of view" like bitch idc about your POV. ITS MY SEXUAL ORIENTATION NOT YOURS. Then she started saying more bullshit assuming I dated one of my best friends (her name is Emma) and I have before (a girl named Abby) but not the one she's talking about (Emma). She's just an asshole. If you can't accept I'm bisexual then go fuck yourself. She then was like basically saying I'm confused bc she said I'm gonna change my mind between ages 13-25 like bitch I've known since October 2018 fuck off.

    My dad reacted better when I told him a few weeks show, he's so chill about it. I wasn't expecting that. I cried when I told in him. I just randomly told her and recorded it on voice messages for a groupchat. My bf doesn't mind that I'm bi and he's known that I'm bi since like before we got together. So like, tf y'all.

I'm just done with my mom.

Also sorry this is so inactive I just rant to my bf and my ibf's more than I write in this book but here's an update.

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