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Ok fuck it if she's goin thru a hard time, she still gets the chance to treat me like shit. I was gonna give her a break but nevermind.

12:06 pm:

    So she texts me to bring the laundry down. Well whose fucking laundry? Yours? Mine? Wtf?? Then I was talking about how I got some crunchy stuff in my milk and

K nevermind she just now as I'm typing this she told me to sweep the whole house when my damn dad told me he would do it then telling me to do other shit I can't remember. Then when I told her "dad told me he would do it" she goes "you don't ever do shit around this house and your dad has a job and provides for this family just like I do as well, so don't give me that bullshit" I'm over here, confused as fuck, "what?" And my dad goes "she told you that I said I'd do it because I did say that" and she goes "oh".

And I'm like "you always try to find some kind of way to get on me about literally anything possible."

K back to the milk, if it dries it gets crunchy shit on the outside rim. The first 2 times I poured the milk I made sure there was no liquid on the rim or any dripping anywhere. Then I haven't used it for a few days and there's sticky dry shit all over the outside, so I know it wasn't me. So then my parents are like "we haven't used it" and I'm sitting here like bullshit, I just saw you eat cereal yesterday u lying prick. So then I was like "screw it I'm not arguing with y'all cuz y'all are dumb" and that was that.

Life is great and I'm going to go get my laptop so I can write some more Unaccepted.

1:24 pm:

She wants me to clean her phone and clean the countertops and I've been in and out of the basement carrying shit up and haven't had a chance to grab my laptop and I'm pissed. You can clean your phone yourself, the countertops are fine, you literally fucking cleaned them yesterday so gtfo. I already carried shit for you when you asked, I'd like to chill out on my first day of break since I've been nonstop stressed and anxious for the past 2 and a half weeks.

Then she gets mad cuz she doesn't know why I'm sitting on the floor in here, and it's because I'm just done with bullshit for the day and I want to just go back to sleep and wish I didn't come down here this morning. Then I go "cuz I was reading a book and it's my first day of break–

K nvm I have to "get off my phone and get off my lazy ass" bc I "haven't done anything at all today".

1:54 pm:

K I'm back for most likely a short period of time. But basically I was reading a fanfic and trying to enjoy my break and she goes "well I haven't enjoyed this whole month because I've been studying and my dad had been hurt and I've been in and out of the hospital so you have no right to be stressed or upset." Yes she has been in the hospital for her dad and I understand that but "studying" for your 3rd job isn't my fault and wasn't my choice. It was your choice to take that job, not mine, so don't complain to me about that. I have a right to my feelings just like she has a right to feel upset about her dad. I feel stressed because I know my mom is just gonna be on my ass these whole 2 weeks and it'll be hell instead of a break. I was stressed for 2 weeks straight at school for finals and this is my time to relax but I guess not. The only good parts is: one of my best friends are coming over to spend the night tmrw, Christmas possibly, and seeing Hamilton: The Musical with my family (minus my dad bc he hates it oof).
I've recently gotten a lot closer to my dad than my mom. I know it's bad to have "favorites" of your parents, but growing up, mom was my fav. Then it was, I couldn't choose. Now I'd choose my dad half the time. I love both but my dad just treats me nicer most of the time.

Now I'm literally going to fucking grab my laptop and start writing because if I don't I'm going to strangle someone.

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