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    I'm just absolutely done, she's threatening to do "phone limitations" for NO GODDAMN REASON

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I'm just absolutely done, she's threatening to do "phone limitations" for NO GODDAMN REASON. I legit don't know what I'm doing wrong anymore she just pulls this bs out of her ass randomly for no reason. She's always lecturing or yelling at me for something and I'm done with it and I'm over it. She's such a fucking bitch and I can't wait to move tf out of this house.

12:58 pm:

    When I'm a mother, I want to be the go-to person for my kids' issues. I don't want them to be afraid to tell me things. This generation is too abused by their parents (whether it's emotional like mine, physical, or some other form). If my kid is gay? Who fucking cares I accept your ass no matter what. I'm bisexual I couldn't care less. I can't tell my parents SHIT. They think they know me but they don't. The best person in my life right now is my boyfriend and I'm so done with everyone (but him obv).

1:01 pm:

    Gtg to random shit to her liking ttyl.

1:04 pm:

    Yay I'm getting small chances away from her bullshit so I can do this shit. I can't wait until I can move out. Or at least drive and can stay at my boyfriend's or a best friend's house or some shit. I honestly should've hung out with friends this weekend but my mom pulled shut out of her ass and made me busy with HER bullshit. Imma start hanging out with people at their house as best as possible, like sleepovers so I can get away from my mom's bs. I'll leave as early as possible and go home as late as possible. Fuck life.

1:48 pm:

My mom and dad are both not home and I just got done putting shit in a box and so I'm done doing random shit for the day. Is it bad that all I wanna do right now is to cuddle and make out with my boyfriend?

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