A/N: 12/20/19

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Today is my last day of school for winter break and finals have been ass so far.

But that aside, my mom is going through a really rough time right now. My grandpa was in an accident on Monday, Dec. 9th and we didn't find out until Friday the 13th (lol it's cursed).

Anyway, my mom is really distressed. I saw him in the hospital and I was just bawling, trying to hold in my tears and weeps so I wasn't loud. His jaw is wired shut and he's broken both of his hips and a lot of other bones. His dog was in the car with him. He's lucky to be alive, all his organs are working in great condition, they're just a little bruised. The dog is lucky to be alive too because it is small enough that it bounced around in the car. It's a poodle, and if it was a Doberman or a corgi, it would've died.

I will not publish any of this book for a while because my mom is hurting and I am too, as well as her two brothers.

I do not hate my mother in any way. I love her very much. This book is just whenever she treats me like shit to another level, I rant about it. That's it. I love my mother with all my heart and appreciate the things she has provided me and done for me. She can just be a little strict sometimes.


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