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3:13 pm:

So I forgot wash my coffee cup (that had hot coco in it cuz coffee is dog shit) and forgot to put it in the dishwasher and my mom decided to give me a 10 minute lecture on why I'm an idiot because I forgot to do one dish and since it's sat out, I have to soak it in the sink so now it's soaking. But she thinks it's cool to say that "maybe I should tell you to do about 30-some things per day before you can have phone time, cuz then maybe I can get shit done around here" with a shitty-sarcastic-Karen-bitch smile. Like that's for the Karen moms who want to treat their 8 year old like shit and take away their tablet every day until they do chores. And so I go "um no? How about we do our own dishes like I've been telling y'all to do. I do mine and y'all do yours"
She goes "you tell us that then you don't ever fuckin do them"
And I go "yeah I do y'all just use more dishes than me so the sink was more full"
She goes "no you either say you forgot to do it or you just leave it there"
I'm like "cuz I legit forget or it has to frickin soak in the sink!!"
And apparently that ain't good enough.

3:21 pm:

Now my parents are whispering about shit and they're either talking about Christmas presents or talking shit about me and I bet they talking shit.

3:23 pm:

    Now she's talking shit about how I didn't decorate the tree correctly and I went "I can't reach the top" and my dad goes "cuz apparently she can't get a step ladder" and I go "well I don't know where you put it so" and he goes "Back in the closet where it goes so"
Bitch it wasn't in the closet when you got it last night it was in the fuckin basement so stfu asswipe I'm done with so much of y'all's bullshit for the day already.

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