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4:06 pm:

So at this point I'm convinced my mom is just a literal demon. I've already told her in the past how emotionally damaging she is, and I always get told I'm overreacting. Now when I've had some of the darkest and lowest days of my life for about 3 days now, she wants to take my phone away. If my boyfriend is the only person who can make me the happiest possible, and if my phone is my biggest escape from my depression, then if I can't have my phone which means I can't text him, then I'm about to go off the rails if this shit goes through. I'm so done.

I'm sorry, mother, that you don't understand what depression feels like and don't understand how hard it is. Or, how hard it is to be a teenager in this generation. Don't try me with that "I was a teenager once" bullshit bc you're close to the boomer generation, you're off by a few years, so stfu no one asked you. Different generations, different relations. If you can't understand my depression and the reasons for the things I do then why punish me? There's no need to. You're making no sense whatsoever. Try a week in my shoes so you can finally understand why I hate everything about this household and can't wait to move out. Or even better, you can understand why depression and anxiety are things that exist. Go fuck yourself.

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