4/27/2020: A realization

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Happy 7 year wedding anniversary to Brendon and Sarah Urie!!

11:06 pm:

I'm gonna make this real quick and short and this doesn't have a lot to do with my mom but an incident that occurred tonight made me think and gave me a realization.

    Basically I got mad and I said "Jesus Christ" on accident and my mom slammed the table and went "don't you ever say that unless you are praying" well sorry bitch, I haven't prayed since 2017.

    Basically I got mad and I said "Jesus Christ" on accident and my mom slammed the table and went "don't you ever say that unless you are praying" well sorry bitch, I haven't prayed since 2017

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I finally made a realization that I'm agnostic

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I finally made a realization that I'm agnostic. I was raised Christian my whole life but because of me finding out my bisexuality in early October 2018, I've been confused on my beliefs since then.
I just told myself bs like "God loves me for me and wouldn't send me to hell for being bisexual. The only thing in the Bible about homosexuality was a mistranslation and it was actually talking about how pedophilia is forbidden, which it is, but that means there's nothing about homosexuality and going to hell for it so those were lies."

Well, no.

I was believing a lie.

    It says it in the Timothy chapter or book or whatever you call shit in a Bible. I'm deleting my offloaded bible app tonight so I'm not gonna check but just google it or if you have a Bible in your house then grab it and find it. Or get a Bible app. You know what I don't even care anymore I'm just done and I'm glad I finally realized it. (Btw if you have an Apple product then you already know "offload" means to basically delete the app while the phone still stores the app storage and you can re-download it whenever, but for any android users who didn't know that, there's your FYI.  Google that too if I didn't explain it well I guess.)

    Basically I believe it's impossible for humans to inherently know that there is a god but I'm not saying there isn't a god, I'm just saying there's no definite proof. People can believe what they wanna believe but the Bible says homosexuality is a sin, and that hurts me deep down knowing that I'm bisexual. I know I have a boyfriend and he's a male and I'm a female and that's how it's apparently "supposed to be" in ignorant Christian minds but also in biology, but it still hurts. It's a book supposedly written by multiple people from earliest of times and we're supposed to believe that? What if someone wrote it all as a lie and wrote it to give some sort of hope in a divine being for a community of people? Well I'm not part of that community until I have proof that Christianity is real. I mean what makes Christianity real and not Buddhism or Hinduism or etc? I mean if you think about it they all sound like bullshit.

    My standpoint is that idk if it's real and idk if it's fake, all I know is that I'm gonna need literal proof if I'm gonna believe in any religion.

Thanks for listening to my TED talk.

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