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5:37 pm:

    I got to hang out with my baby again on the 17th. I've hung out with him every other day this whole week. (Monday, Wednesday, Friday.) I'm so happy, I've missed him so much. But what sucks is that I'm not happy rn. I come downstairs to get my phone for the day and certain apps are swiped away. I always keep 2 apps open, my Alexa app and my clock app. So I knew someone looked through it. But I know it wasn't my dad bc he doesn't care to swipe apps away. I know it was my mom bc she swipes everything away on her phone constantly, and it drives me nuts (when she does it on mine). Idk what she would've found besides what she already knows. But she looked at my convo between me and my boyfriend. He said good morning to me and she left him on read. I didn't reply to him until I got my phone back after I woke up. So I'm assuming she was looking thru our conversations. (He told me she read it.)

    Oh well. Life is gonna be shit here until I move out. Cuz when I move out I can be free and happy living with my baby and cutting ties with my mother.

8:11 pm:

I hate how my parents just completely don't understand how I feel about anything and instantly assume I hate doing anything I'm told. I mean yeah no one really likes chores but I never said I hated them. I hate having to do stuff when it's inconvenient. Like if I'm going to bed or doing homework. I wasn't doing anything rn besides playing Mario Kart so I was like "yeah sure" to my mom easily when she asked me to put clean dishes away and put dirty ones in the dishwasher. It's no big deal. But what pisses me off is when my dad said "are you gonna be okay" and I asked "why" and he goes "because you're being told to do something" and I just go "yeah duh what the heck?" and mumble "dumbass" to myself. Bc now I'm in a pissed off mood. I was chilling, jamming out, doing the dishes and now I'm pissed bc they're treating me like this. It isn't a big deal so why are you making shitty sarcastic comments like it is? It's just dishes. Grow a pair of balls, shithead.

9:18 pm:

    Okay I'm done with my mom's shit once again and I'm too mad to explain it bc there is so much going on and tbh it mainly isn't even my mom anyway but she's part of it and I can't handle all this rn I'm on the verge of crying bc there is too much bullshit going on rn I can't do this

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