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5:09 pm:

    So my mom had asked me to help put up the Christmas tree. I had told her no, that I have homework. She remarks with, "You never do anything I ask." Yes, I should not be finishing up my homework due tomorrow that I didn't do because I was spending a night at a friend's house. Putting up a tree that I could do another day and another time is much more important than me doing my homework due tomorrow.

Common sense 101.

    Hopefully, I get to add more, but I have to do my homework for speech class so I'll see ya'll in a bit. (BTW I'm typing this on my laptop hehe.)

5:21 pm:

    So my dad just came downstairs and my mom took the perfect chance to talk shit about me in the room.

"Did you get some of the tree up?" he asks.

"Partially. I stopped because my back started hurting and Alli won't help even though I asked her."

"Once again, I'm doing my homework."

Then my dad just stayed silent.

5:28 pm:

So now my mom is acting all nice, once again, being bipolar, and saying "What if I could meet you at lunch." And I go "No." with my dad laughing in the background.

"Well it'd be cool if I could meet you for lunch."
"..........Mom, I have friends."

My dad laughs and goes, "You wanna keep your friends? You scared she's gonna scare em' off cuz she's a boomer?"

And I go "she-- what? She's not a boomer, you are."

then she goes "All your sister's friends like me."

And I go "that's because millenials like.. nice parents"

My dad goes "So gen z kids don't like nice parents?"

I go "no I mean gen z kids don't want their parents near them when they are near their friends because it's creepy and weird."

Mom goes "No she just doesn't want me there cuz apparently I'm a shitty parent."

My dad says "She just called you nice--"

She goes "Really?" as if she was like internally saying "bullshit".

I go "Yeah.."

she goes, "ok then, I was shitty the other day on your little vent"


k back to my hw...

8:33 pm:

Okay hopefully I have a chance to shower rn.

Edit: I just remembered. When she first asked me to help her with the tree and I said no bc I'm doing hw, she said "well then you're not gonna pick out the color" and I'm like "well when you texted me I said idc so idc" and she goes "okay then" acting all tough n shit. Like fuck off.


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Sooo... whatever.

Okie now I'm done and I made this edit at 11:30 pm so gn y'all!

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