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12:34 am:

2:31 pm:Sorry I haven't updated much at all lately

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2:31 pm:
Sorry I haven't updated much at all lately. Basically a month now. I've just mainly been ranting to my boyfriend about everything. He helps a lot. He actually tries to keep the peace between me and my mom and he defends me. It kinda helped but my mom really pushed it tonight.

I was trying for myself and her, since she didn't seem to care to even try, and she fucked it all up. I was hoping to try to better our relationship but it's all just completely fucked. I went from "I dislike her now, but I still love her bc she's my mom" to "I can't do this anymore I fucking hate her yeah I still love her but I honestly can't stand her" all in 3 hours tonight. So yes, I hate her. Honestly if me and her weren't related I would not be fucking friends with her I'd be smart and stay the hell away from her.

Also wtf is up with this new Wattpad update?

And sorry if I haven't posted much blm stuff here. I post a shit ton of blm movement stuff on my Instagram story I don't do a lot of stuff on Wattpad besides read and write lol.


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