"But Dad!"

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TW: Cursing

Saturday/12/24          8:00 a.m 

Your POV:

I woke up next to Bella. She was still asleep, so I watched her. Aww, she looks so sweet and harmless when she sleeps. "I love you." I said and gave her a kiss on her cheek. "I love you too hun." She suddenly replied and I jumped slightly. "What? Do I look this horrible?" Bella asked while giggling. "Oh god, no baby but I didn't know that you're already awake." I explained. "No worry darling, it's okay." She said, still giggling. God those pet names drive me crazy, why's thats so hot? 

Bella came closer to me and gave me a kiss, which was soft and full of love. I kissed her back. "And, how did you like it yesterday?" Bellatrix asked curious and smirked widely. "I couldn't have imagined it better, but isn't it like that, that I return the favor?" I asked and raised my eyebrows. "If you want to you can" she whispered seductively into my left ear but then added "But you really don't have to do it so far, if you don't want to, I mean it was your first time. Right?" She asked. I nodded. I looked for the clock and it said 8:08 a.m. "Shit, dad will arrive soon, Bella I- I am so f-fucked." I started panicking. "Haha, yes you are fucked since yesterday." She joked. "OH MY GOD BELLA, this is definitely not funny, I'm being serious." I screamed a little bit mad cause that was not a good situations to joke around, and got out of her bed. "Okay, baby, I will go to my room and make myself ready for everything. See you then." I told her. "Kk darling, see you then, come to the living room I will wait for you there." My girlfriend said. I only let out a "Mhm" and disappeared. 

As I walked down the corridors I spotted Draco, on the way to the dinning room. "Hey Y/n, how did you sleep?" He asked and hugged me. "Uhh, yes, actually really good, but I am so so scared because of dad. Draco I'm so dead, like you can't tell me I'm not. He just freaks out when I'm too late for his classss, oh god." I started breathing heavily and pulled away from the hug. "Whoa whoa, girl calm down, I mean I know your dad and I think he won't be happy about it or proud of you but I don't think he would kill you, right?" Draco comforted me. "Yeah, hopefully, but I will go now I have do get ready." I said. "Yes ofc, see ya." With that we both walked away.  As I reached my room I started to get ready. I changed into a black dress, similar to Bellas. 

Timeskip 9:48 a.m: 

I walked down to the living room, seeing Bella sitting on the couch. "Hey you." I said and sat next to her. 

"Hey, oh you look amazing pet." She replied.

 "Pet?" I asked and played like I didn't like it. 


"Haha, just kidding I love it when you call me pet.... mommy." I whispered in her ear. Her eyes filled with lust but we both knew this wasn't the right time now. 

"You little brat." Bellatrix said and kissed me with tongue for one time. 

"Only YOUR brat." I said. 

"Yes you are, but do we maybe wanna talk about your dad? He will arrive in 10 minutes or so." She suggested. 

"Oh fuck, but okay, I thought that maybe Lucius or Narcissa call me to come here and then I will talk with Severus?" I said.

"Yes, sounds good, will you mention us or me too?" 

"I don't know, I will say what ever you want me to say about it." I told my girl. 

"I think you should tell him, love." Bellatrix said. "Okay I will." I hugged her so tight, she kissed me on the forehead. "Everything will be fine." She comforted me. 

Suddenly Lucius and Narcissa appeared. "Okay Y/n, Severus is here, listen, when I say something like 'Severus there is something important you have to know about' you will come to us. Understood?" Lucius explained. "Yes, see you." "See you honey and don't think too much about it, okay?" Cissa said. I nodded and they walked out. I sat still on the couch between Bellas legs, cuddling with her. I heard Lucius talking with my dad, at this moment I shook because it scared the hell out of me. "Severus, well, how should I say this?" Lucius said. "Oh shit Bella, I think I have to go." I said and stood up. "As I said everything will end good, now go my baby." She said. 

I started to walk slowly to the entrance, where my dad, Narcissa and Lucius were talking. Oh god, please just kill me. There he stood, talking with them. Lucius and cissy looked to my direction, so did dad after like 20 seconds as he noticed they are staring at someone. Severus looked at me and his face expression went so surprised and mad. I walked up to them avoiding my dads eyes. "Tell me now this is a bad joke." Dad said. I looked up to him as I stood next to them. 


 "Dad I was going to tell you, I promise!" I told him, while starting to cry. To be honest, I imagined it different than that, like that he would't be that pissed, but come on what did I expect? My dad is Severus Snape. The teacher everyone is scared off. 

"Severus maybe we could-" Lucius got cut off by Snape. "NO, WE CAN'T, IT IS DISGUSTING, I ALWAYS THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS, ESPECIALLY YOU NARCISSA, SINCE I MADE THE UNBREAKABLE SPELL FOR DRACOS PROTECTION!" He looked at me. "And you young lady, are in big trouble, very big trouble." "But dad-" He cut me off. "No, you will go straight to your room or where ever you are sleeping, pack your things and leave this place." I didn't do anything, I just stood there in shock. "What are you waiting for? Go, I don't want you to be here and I also don't want to see you." 

"Severus, please let me tell you something, Y/n is not to blame, it is our fault, we didn't tell you, what was bad, but we were excited for her to finally meet your gorgeous daughter." Cissa said, and I blushed at the last part. "And the Dark Lord wants her in the meeting too." Dad went even more pissed off than he was before. 

 "See, this is exactly what I wanted to avoid. Don't you understand me Y/n? I want you to be save and wanted you to live a perfect life with family and everything, but this is ruined now, but only for the Dark Lord and this meeting and then Y/n you will go home." Dad commanded. "No, I won't." I said. "What? I think I misheard, you will go home, if you want or not, I don't care." "Well I don't care too, its still my life and I can do what I want. and I want to stay here." 

"Okay, okay guys, please just call down, please, Severus listen, she loves you and you love her, so stop fighting and talk like adults." Cissa suggested. 

Heyyyy I'm back! Sorry that I didn't post for more than a week, but it was really stressful because of school. I will post the next part today or tomorrow morning, cause yeah, this chapter is a little cliffhanger and Drama drama drama haha. Please write down in the comments if you like my story! 

Love you guys so much! <3

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