What is wrong with you?

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Hey people! I'm so sooo sorry for not updating for a long time :(     But it was so stressful because of school, I got a cold sadly and also had a writer's block but I'm back now with many ideas! 

Enjoy my Babies <3

Bellatrix POV:

Fuck. What have I done, I fucking hurt Y/n. I was so angry and started throwing things around in my room. I screamed out my whole soul. "This is all my fault. Shit what should I do now. I can't tell Y/n." I sobbed. Suddenly I heard a knock. Narcissa stuck her head in my room and said dinner was ready, she also noticed that something was wrong but didn't say anything. I nodded yes and followed her. As we reached the dining room, Y/n was already there and looked at me sad. I quickly looked away but I saw in the corner of my eye that she had a disappointed face expression. I sat down on my chair and started eating. Of course the others also got our mood. And it was even worse because Severus was there too. 

No one said a word during dinner until Cissy spoke up. "Bellatrix, if it doesn't bother you, I want to talk to you. Now. Please." I only nodded and walked out with my sister. 

"Bella what is wrong with you?" She asked in a strict tone. 

"Nothing, everything is fine!" I answered. 

"Are you stupid? Nothing is fine. You did it again, you broke your fucking promise again!" Wow she is cursing. That doesn't mean anything good. "What is going on in your head? Bella don't you understand? She is YOUR girlfriend, she loves you and you did that to her, technically, you betrayed her in some way, you chose the Dark Lord over her and don't say you didn't . I can't and actually I don't even want to know how Y/n feels rn. And Bellatrix, I know you since I'm born, you're my sister and I know and feel that sth is wrong. And I beg you, please tell me, I can help you. I promise!" Cissy yelled now. 

But then she had a look on her face I couldn't describe. Before I could say anything she started talking again. 

"Oh god. Please be honest now. Is it because of Rodolphus?" 

I nodded and broke out in tears. Cissy hugged me. "Bella, I'm so sorry that I yelled at you. I didn't realize it at first. Do you maybe wanna tell me what's going on with him?" "It's okay Cissy, how should you have know and yes I wanna talk about it." I pouted. We walked to my room and my sister told Indie (house elf) that she should tell the others that we will need more time than we thought we will need. Cissa and I sat down on my bed still hugging each other. 

"Okay so, Bella please tell me everything and don't you dare to hide anything from me. understood?" 

"Mhm, I-I okay" I exhaled. "As you know Rodolphus was also in Azkaban and just broke out I don't even know, I think 5 days ago. Like I didn't bother because I was with Y/n but then he showed up 2 days ago when I was in the garden, so no-one saw. At first he was normal, but after a few minutes he yelled at me and said that it was my fault that he was in Azkaban." I cried. 

"Bella I- I- I had no idea." Narcissa said but I cut her off.

"Wait please let me finish." She nodded understandably. " Rodolphus pushed me against th-the t-tree and uh he asked me if I'm still the Dark Lords favorite. I nodded a-and then he uh, uh he s-slapped me 4 times. I t-think he is jealous, because he wants to be the favorite. And h-he nearly r-raped me." I explained and the last part I said under my breath. 

"Oh my god Bella, I'm so incredibly sorry. Shit, we have to do something against him." Cissy also cried now. "And I know this is a really dumb situation you are in now, but what about Y/n. Does he know about her and you?" 

"No he doesn't and I won't tell him. Not 'til we can do sth against him." I said

"But Bella, you can't ignore Y/n or hide your secrets from her. And even though I'm not you or Y/n, it hurts me nevertheless. You guys are such a cute couple, the cutes couple ever actually and it would be horrible if that would end." 

"I know, I know. And I don't want our relationship end. I love this girl so much, you can't even imagine how much, but I'm scared. Because if the Dark Lord or Rodolphus find out about us, that we could die." I still sobbed. 

"We will find a solution. Pinky promise?" My sister asked, held her pinky out and smiled. I nodded and smiled back. We made the pinky promise and walked back to the others. 

A/N : I will update later again! 

Secret Love - Bellatrix LestrangeWhere stories live. Discover now