Our Plan

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A few hours later we decided to get up and join the others. On the way to the living room Draco appeared from a corridor.

"Hey Draco, you're also here?" I asked while giving him a hug.

"Yes I also had a meeting with the Lord." He answered.

"Oh um is everything alright, you seem off." Draco looked literally off, like he had massive eye bags, no emotions in his face, etcetera.

"Yeah, never been better what makes you think that?" He denied but I knew he was lying.

"Okay, no I just wanted to know." He nodded. "So you both are together again."

"Yeah we are but why do you-" Dray interrupted me. "I heard it myself, you were quite loud." I felt my cheeks redden at his comment, Bella started to chuckle deeply. "Sorry..." Bella and I said in sync. "No worry, now the whole house knows that you both made up." The boy said sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes but hid the embarrassment. As we arrived in the living room, Narcissa shot immediately a smirk to Bella and me . Lucius seemed to be still away. The three of us sat down next to Narcissa. "Hey love birds." She greeted us. "Shut up Cissy." Bellatrix replied annoyed. "What? Its the truth isnt it."

"Yeah yeah."

"Uh guys, I have to tell you something." I said out of no where. Their head shot in my direction. "It's about a task. The dark lord has forbidden me to speak of this but I already told Bella and I feel like I need your help as well."

"It's fine sweetheart. Draco and I won't tell a soul." Cissy calmed me. I nodded and started to explain.

"Well, he asked me to do this task like one month ago but obviously I haven't done it yet. I always found a  excuse so I wouldn't have to do it. So the task is to kill Ron, Hermione and Ginny. All three. I can't just kill them. They are my family, the siblings I never had, I can't won't do this."

Dracos and Cissys face went pale. "You must what?!"

"Yes, or else he'll kill me or Bella."  I started to sob. Bella gently took me in her arms and kissed my temple. "It's okay my love, we'll find a way to solve this problem." She whispered.

"Well, okay, did he say anything else? Probably today?" Cissa asked again. Draco just sat there listening but didn't loose a single word. Something definitely was wrong with him.

"Yeah he told me the 'new plan'. He wants me to kill them when we attack Hogwarts. I would have to stay with them the whole time and then as soon as the lord has Harry I should kill them." I explained.

"Oh god. Okay what if we use a potion on them, that has the effect that they can't die if you cast the spell at them. I'm pretty sure your father knows one and how to brew it. You'll have to tell them about everything, that you're a death eater, your task, and your plan." Narcissa requested. I looked at Bella if she was okay with that or if she had any doubts.

"Well you can try it, it's a good plan but I won't help you with it, he will find out about it..."

I looked shocked at her. "What!?"

Suddenly she started giggling. "I'm just playing. Obviously I'm going to help you."

"Bellatrix Lestrange, this is not the right moment for your fucking jokes!" Her sister yelled at her.

She just threw her hands up in the air for defense.

"But I'm not joking about him finding it out."

"You're probably right, he has his eyes everywhere." Draco spoke for the first time.

"Exactly Draco. We just really need to be extremely carefully. One wrong word or act, it won't end well."
My girlfriend said

"Good so what do you suggest." I asked.

"Listen, this will stay between the four of us and Severus. And I love you Cissy but Lucius can't be trusted."

Narcissa just nodded understanding.

Bella continued. "So we'll tell Severus about all this and then the most important thing is, don't ever talk to me about it in front of the dark lord and the death eaters. If you need something then tell me and we'll go in a corridor or in a room with a silencing charm.

And also I'll act like I don't care about you all in front of the lord so he won't suspect anything. Because still I'm his most trusted and loyal follower. Understood?"

The three of us nodded and said yes in sync.

"Good, I'm off now I have to prepare something." Bellatrix announced.

I decided to not ask what she was preparing so I just hugged her goodbye and gave her a kiss. She apparated away and I disappeared with Draco to his room.

"Draco is really everything okay?" I questioned him again.

"Yes Y/n for gods sake stop being annoying." He replied rudely.

"Man, I just asked."

"I don't care."

"Gosh you're acting like a baby. I'll go back to Hogwarts will you come with me?" I said


"Fine then not but don't you think to show up in my dorm or wherever. I just wanted to be a good friend, and I know that you're lying to me, I know you since we're baby's and you're definitely not okay. But obviously you have to be that dickhead you always are. Fuck you Draco." I yelled at him.

"I'm the dickhead? You are the reason why everything is like this, why I'm "off"! It's entirely your fault. And don't you think that I am not aware of how you fucked with my mom!? You are a slut! You heard me? A fucking slut. You know I ask myself how I was this dumb and became friends with you. I mean look at you, you are a disappointment for everyone. I bet Bella doesn't even love you she just acts like it. And now get the fuck out of my house." Tears started to stream down my face, my mouth hung open.

"I hate you Draco." I cried and run out of his room

"Fuck, no Y/n! I didn't mean it-"

"Fuck off!"

"Idiot fucking idiot!" I heard Draco muttering as I ran out.

"Oh dear what's wrong-" I ignored Narcissa and stormed out of the manor immediately apparating away.

I landed in the forbidden forest again. "FUCK! FUCK ALL OFF YOU!" I screamed my soul out. I was so angry and sad in this moment. I walked back to Hogwarts and locked myself in my dorm. Luckily Pansy wasn't here, she left me a piece of paper on my counter that she stayed with Blaise that night cause she didn't want to be alone.

Drama Drama Drama is all I can say...

Secret Love - Bellatrix LestrangeWhere stories live. Discover now