Dark Mark

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Warning: torturing 

Bellatrix grabbed my arm and pulled me up from my chair. "No, dad please help me." I screamed. "Y/n, I'm so sorry I can't help you." He answered sad. Voldemort started to laugh loud. "Bella stop it please!" I yelled again and tried to fight back but it was useless. "Will you stop now?!" The woman hissed and pushed me on the floor. "Bella this isn't you! What is wrong with you?!" I asked her. I didn't get an answer, instead I got a laugh from a few death eaters. Bella knelt down next to me and brushed my hair from my face. She gave me a lovely kiss on my cheek and smiled warmly at me. "Baby, I'm sorry." I didn't understand the situation. I didn't understand Bella. She could have said anything to protect me but she didn't. And that hurt really much. 

She got up again and pointed her wand on me. "STOP, please, I beg, please-" 

"Crucio!" Bellatrix yelled. I felt a terrible pain as if millions of knives were stabbing my skin and muscles. I started screaming so loud. "And, do you want to become a death eater now?" Voldemort asked. I shook my head. "Okay, go ahead Bella." 

After 10 minutes my body couldn't take the pain anymore. I took all my strength together and just managed to get a few words out of my mouth. "Please, s-stop, I g-give up, I give up." Suddenly the pain stopped and I could rest for a few seconds. "Finally." The Dark Lord said annoyed. As I opened my eyes again, I definitely couldn't look at Bella, not after what she has done to me without even protesting for me or helping me. Bellatrix wanted to help me to get up but I pushed her hand away. "Fine, then not."  She said pissed and took seat again. Is she being serious right now?! My father came instead and helped me to sit on the chair. "Are you okay?" He asked. "Mhm." 

"So Y/N, that's the last time I ask you, do you want to become a death eater? One of my most faithful followers? And will you do every task I give you without giving a doubt?" My Lord asked. 

"As if I had another option." I mumbled to myself. 

"What I didn't hear you, please repeat it again for me!" 

"Yes, I w-want to be a death e-eater and will do every task you give to me." I said. 

"Thats what I wanted to hear!" He said and came to me again. 

"Come on, give me your left arm." Voldemort commanded. I hesitated but then it occurred to me that there is no point in refusing. I gave him my arm and he placed his wand on it. "It doesn't take long." Again I felt a pain in my arm but it wasn't so bad like before. I let out a little moan because of it. I saw a dark mark appearing slowly on my arm. When he was almost done it hurt the most and I let out a short yell. But he was right, it didn't take long. The Dark Lord put his wand away and announced "Welcome our new member!" Everyone except me started clapping and laughing. "You did it good honey." Snape whispered. "Thank you dad but I'm worried about Bella she acted totally weird!" I whispered back. 

"Yes I think that too, lets talk about that later." I nodded yes. "My dear death eaters, the next meeting will be in 4 days where we will prove Y/n's loyalty for me! Good Bye" Voldemort disappeared and I started running out of the room. I heard someone screaming my name but I didn't care. As I reached my room the person who called my name caught me. "Y/n I'm so sorry, it wasn't my intention to do this. He wanted it like that and I have to follow his commands!" Bella tried to give me a hug but I pushed her away. "No! So you wanna tell me you choose him over me? Your girlfriend!? The one you told that you love her, or was that just a lie?" I hissed at her. 

"No baby, you get it wrong, I do not choose him over you-"

"Of course you do! Why would you Crucio me? ME? I thought I was special to you and you also promised that you wouldn't hurt me again but you did! You bloody did! And now? I'm a fucking death eater! I never wanted this! This is all your fault!" I sobbed. 

"Listen, I know that I hurt you really much and it hurt myself too but, if I wouldn't have done it, both of us were dead now! And sweetheart I love you more than everything, I told you that so many times, didn't I?" Bella also sobbed now and took my hand in hers and I let her. 

"Yes you did, but I don't understand why you acted like you wouldn't care for me? You treated me like one of his victims. And I definitely can't forgive you yet because of what you did." I said. Bella looked really upset. I think she really didn't want to hurt me but there was that one burning question I had to ask her. 

"Bellatrix, I want you to be honest with me now. Did you just use me to show loyalty to the dark lord?" Her head shot up and she looked at me. 

"What? No I would never and you know this, right?" 

"Yea... right. Bella please I want time for me alone now. I have to overthink everything ." 

"Uh of course, if you need anything, I'm here for you." Before I could push her away she gave me a kiss on my cheek and walked to her room. I also disappeared in my room and broke down crying. She hides anything. I'm to 100 percent sure.  

I sat on my bed crying for a while also because of my pounding arm and the pain, until Narcissa came in and told me dinner is ready. To be honest I really didn't want to eat anything but you know Narcissa wouldn't respect a no. 

Please don't hate me now but as I promised it will get betterrr 🥺 I will definitely continue to write tomorrow! Sorry if there are misspells in this part! AND ALSO THANK YOU ALL FOR MORE THAN 600 READS! You guys are truly amazing!!🥳💓

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