The war

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As I wake up I can't feel Bella's hands anymore. My hand touches the empty space next to me.
I sigh out and get up doing my morning routine. When I'm finished I wake up Pansy and tell her to go hide with the other students in the room of requirement where a plan for the war will be discussed.

"Y/n, I don't want to leave you! What if something happens to you or what if your plan doesn't work out." She almost cries, I hug her tightly.

"I promise you everything will be fine and we'll defeat the dark Lord. But it will only work if you go there like every other student okay? Professor Mcgonagall and professor Flitwick will be there too tell you a plan and protect you." She only nods and pulls back, looking at me but her eyes wander down to my lips. She gives me short, soft kiss on my lips making me gasp a little and immediately feel bad because of Bellatrix.

"Just a best friends kiss, no worry." Pansy chuckles at my slightly shocked expression, making me chuckle as well. She pulls away completely.

"See you later, I guess." The girl walks out of our dorm leaving me alone. Sighing out I take a glance at my clock.

9:42 a.m.

I grip my wand tightly and leave our dorm and common room as well. On the way to the great hall, where the dark lord said all death eaters should meet up, I bump into dad. "Where are you going?!" I ask him.

"A few students aren't in the room of requirements and I have to take care of them so that our plan works out. And I still have to give the explantation-letter to Hermione, Ron and Ginny." I nod at him and continue walking. I just hope my three friends will understand everything and won't be mad at me for joining the death eaters.

Finally I arrive at the great hall and face all the death eaters and the dark lord of course. As he spots me he walks up to me almost immediately.

"Y/n, my dear. Glad to see you, be prepared for those 3 Mudbloods, I don't want you to fail." The wizard strokes my cheek with his boney finger lightly. "Of course my lord, I won't disappoint you." I lie at him he smirks at me and walks away. Just as I want to talk to Bellatrix someone stops me. I look up and see a smirking Fenrir Greyback.

There is literally no death eater I'm disgusted at as Fenrir.

"Hello princess, don't mess that up or else I'll have to take care of you." He smirks and starts stroking my cheek. My eyes widen a little in fear.

"I-uhm." Before I can do something, someone certain rips me away from Fenrir and a slapping sound is heard.

"Are you okay pet?" Bella asks me and I only nod hugging her.
"I'm scared." I whisper in her ear. She kisses me softly on my cheek.
"Everything will be fine, your dad will be here in a few minutes and everything will start." I nod again pushing her closer to me.

The doors open and Snape appears telling everyone everything's prepared.
"Let's go my dear servants." Voldemort announces and we follow him.
As we walk through some corridors, Ron, Hermione and Ginny suddenly appear.

Good. I think.

"Y/n! What are you doing with them?! How could you!" Hermione yells but I know it's just acting, I just know her too damn well to know that this is fake.

Ron just stares intensely. "We trusted you Y/n, we were best friends." Ginny speaks up now in a sad tone.

I step forward trying to control my emotions, followed by Voldemort who puts his hands on my shoulders.
"Do it." He whispers.

I disarm them easily, Fenrir takes their wands. I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

"Avada Kedavra!" I yell seeing a green flash coming out of my wand, hitting my best friends. They fall immediately to ground making me shriek.

"Well done Y/n. You will be rewarded." The Lord says and continues walking out to the courtyard.

I keep looking at my friends and how my dad, Lucius and Narcissa carry their "lifeless" body's away.
It seems like our plan worked, or just this part of the plan for now. Bella and Cissy give me a small smile and nod.

My dad brought them the letter with the explanation and 3 little potions were given to them. A potion created by Severus Snape himself. A protection potion so strong you can survive the killing curse. No one except 8 people know about this potion.

As we arrive there all the other students and teachers already wait for us. I'm the last one to go out. Stepping out of the castle I immediately hear loud gasps and whispering. My eyes search for pansy's and I find them already staring at me. I give her a small smile.

Harry appears from the crowd, ready to fight Voldemort.

The Lord chuckles a little. "Harry Potter. The boy who lived, come to die."

Before I could realize it the two wizards were already dueling.

I panic looking around to search Bella or dad but I can't find them, not even Narcissa.

But then I spot Draco who looked terrified as well, so I walk over to him.
"Draco, where are the others? Our plan!?" I almost yell at him but not because of anger you know just angst.
"I don't know Y/n, I already searched for them but I couldn't find them." He whispers because people start to appear next to us.
"Fuck!!" I whisper- yell. "I'll go and search them, they should have been here 15 minutes ago." I look at Draco and then walk into the castle.

It's extremely quiet, a little bit too quiet. I hold my wand tightly and suddenly I hear footsteps behind me. I turn around but there's no one.
I just shake my head. "Now I'm already imagining things."

"Bellatrix? Dad- Narcissa?!" I call out for them not caring about that anyone could hear me.
No response.
I continue walking further into the castle, to the dungeons. All of a sudden someone laughs behind me. My wand almost falls out of my hand, I turn around again and finally spot Fenrir. Can't this stupid idiot stop following me and leave me alone? 
"Is the little girl searching for her daddy and her girlfriend." He says amused and walks towards me, making me walk backwards.

"That's none of your business Greyback." I hiss at him.
"Well, I don't think you'll find them. The dark Lord found out about your little stupid plan. I mean how could you be so stupid and talk about it practically in front of me."
"You fucking idiot! You told him, ugh for gods sake!" I answer and point my wand at him.
But he sends a spell that throws immediately my wand away. He laughs again, and backs me up against a wall.

Secret Love - Bellatrix LestrangeWhere stories live. Discover now