We Could Be Happy Here

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Marlena looked over her shoulder at the barrier, though now rather than seeing Director Hayward or Agent Woo, she was met only with the backside of the Westview welcome sign, more vibrant than it had been before she'd entered. She turned back to face the town; each house that lined the street she stood on was also painted differently. Everything was fresh and vibrant. She narrowed her eyes to make out the distant people piddling in their front yards.

As she ventured further down the street, she noticed that everyone she passed was dressed as if they were from another era. She felt as if she'd just stepped into an episode of The Brady Bunch, and upon this realization, she looked down at her own outfit. It had changed too.

Marlena's fingertips brushed against the orange bellbottoms she now wore, the texture velvety and soft against her skin. Wanda was somehow altering reality itself, and Marlena was taken back. She knew her cousin to be powerful beyond measure, but this was something she'd never experienced before. It was as if Wanda had created an alternate dimension.

While weaving throughout the streets of Westview, Marlena studied the people she passed carefully. She knew all information she could gather while inside would prove useful once on the outside, if she decided to share it. She hadn't known Agent Woo long enough to fully trust him yet, and she felt in her gut that Hayward's interests did not include keeping Wanda's fragile mental state a priority. To him, Wanda was a problem, and despite his doubt in Marlena, she believed she was likely the closest they'd come to a resolution of sorts.

At last, the eery silence that'd been hanging in the air since crossing through the threshold was broken. Marlena heard the sounds of wood snapping and almost immediately after, a faint electrical buzzing. She looked to the sky and could see a brief ripple effect; something—or someone—had made contact with the barrier.

Marlena picked up the pace and took off towards the direction of where the sounds had originated from. She quickly found herself standing in the driveway of a quaint yellow house. More sounds seemed to be coming from the rear of the house, so Marlena jogged through the yard. Before her eyes, pieces of the house's damaged exterior were coming together again. It could only mean one thing—Wanda had to be responsible. She'd located her cousin, though she was unsure what to expect when they'd come face to face.

The outside wall of the home was now sealed, and Marlena approached a pair of sliding glass doors. She reached for the handle but before she could open it, Wanda appeared on the other side of the glass. The two stared at one another for a moment before Wanda opened the door, allowing Marlena to step inside.

"Marlena," Wanda whispered, her voice dry. Marlena could see that she'd been crying just moments before, which she could only assume had something to do with the scene she'd just arrived to.

Marlena reached for her cousin with open arms, but Wanda did not return the hug, nor did she hold eye contact with her again. The bond between them had once been so strong, but now, Marlena feared not even that bond could pull Wanda from the pain and aguish she was in due to the death of her love, Vision.

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