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Scott was pacing back and forth while Steve, Marlena, and Natasha watched him curiously. He seemed anxious over something but wouldn't stop pacing long enough to tell anyone about it. It was to the point the three of them were becoming anxious just looking at him.

"Scott," Steve's voice finally pulled the man out of his trance. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," Scott rubbed his eyes and looked back to the group. "Have any of you ever studied quantum physics?"

"Only to make conversation," Natasha answered.

Scott almost seemed excited by the redhead's answer. "Alright, so, five years ago, right before Thanos, I was in a place called the Quantum Realm. The Quantum Realm is like its own microscopic universe—to get in there you have to be incredibly small. Hope, she was my, um—she was supposed to pull me out, and then Thanos happened and I got stuck in there."

"I'm sorry, that must've been a very long five years," Natasha apologized.

"Yeah, but that's just it," Scott retorted. "It wasn't."

"What do you mean?" Marlena asked.

"For me it was five hours," Scott answered her. "See, the rules of the quantum realm aren't like they are up here. Everything is unpredictable—is that anybody's sandwich?"

"Um, it's mine," Marlena answered slowly as he crossed the room to grab it.

"It's actually not yours," Natasha reminded her.

Scott ignored both of them and grabbed the second half of the sandwich anyway.

Steve rolled his eyes at Marlena and Natasha and started towards Scott. "Scott, what are you talking about?"

"So," Scott started with a mouthful of food. "What I'm saying is time works differently in the quantum realm. The only problem is right now we don't have a way to navigate it. But what if we did? I can't stop thinking about it."

Steve, Marlena, and Natasha exchanged glances with one another and looked back to Scott. He was freaking out over everything going through his mind, and while the sight was amusing, they couldn't help but focus their attention on the words he was saying and what he seemed to be implying.

"What if we could somehow control the chaos and we could navigate it?" Scott continued babbling. "What if there was a way we could enter the quantum realm at one point in time and then exit at another point in time? Like...like before Thanos."

"Wait," Steve stopped him. "Are you talking about a time machine?"

The idea was absurd, at least to the three of them.

"No, of course not," Scott answered quickly. "Not a time machine, this is more like a...um...yeah, a time machine. I know, it's crazy. I can't stop thinking about it, but there's got to be...some way...it's crazy."

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