Your Compassion Is Admirable

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The crisp autumn breeze whipped through Marlena's hair. The brunette was sitting outside in what used to be the Avengers's landing zone. She was still at the tower, as was the rest of the crew and now Bruce. There was nowhere else to take Alena aside from prison, and Marlena didn't want to do that, so she remained at the tower sitting and waiting until she was ready for visitors. Marlena was tired and a bit nauseous. She sipped away at the tea Steve made for her and looked out at the city. One thing she'd always missed about the tower was the breathtaking view. New York City had never looked so beautiful.

"Been awhile, huh?"

Marlena turned her head to see Bucky heading outside. She smiled at him and turned her attention back to the city, while Bucky made his way over to sit down beside her.

"I haven't been here in years," Bucky said to her, his eyes meeting the bright lights of New York City. "I forgot just how peaceful it was."

"I don't know if peaceful is exactly the word I would use." Marlena looked over at the large landing pad that extended over the edge of the building. She remembered watching Tony practically dance his way back into the tower after returning from a mission, and she remembered the way Natasha would playfully roll her eyes at him. She remembered the parties, the meals, the holidays, the heartbreak, and the time spent with those she loved the most. "We went through a lot while we were here."

"We did," Bucky sighed. "Can't say I don't miss those days. Everything was so much simpler."

"You're not wrong." Marlena took a sip of her tea and looked over at Bucky, "Being back here just feels so different, y'know? Tony and Natasha are gone, Thor took off with the Guardians, Clint went home to his doesn't really feel like home anymore."

"That's because it's not home anymore, Marlena," Bucky told her. "A home isn't just about a place—it's about the people you decide to let inside."

"I just feel like I'm running out of people."

"You have me," Bucky reminded her. "And you have Steve and Sam and Wanda and Mason and Charlie and Jay—"

"I get it," Marlena chuckled quietly. "I just wish there were a couple more names I could add to that list."

"I know you do."

"I'm sorry, y'know?"

"About what?"

"Alena." Marlena pulled her jacket tightly over her chest as the wind began to pick up. She had plans on going back inside long ago, but she figured she could wait. Talking to Bucky was a decent distraction, and she figured they were due for another conversation anyway.

"And why exactly are you apologizing to me?" Bucky said, a small smile on his face. "None of this is your fault. How could you have possibly known you had an evil twin sister hellbent on taking over your life?"

Marlena only shrugged and offered him her mug, which he took without hesitation; it was a bit chilly, and while Steve would never be able to make a cup of tea better than Tony, he still made a good cup of tea. "Tony knew about her and he never told me," she said quietly, a frown pulling at her lips when she thought about Tony. She missed him so much, and she hated just how fresh the pain of it was.

"If he knew and didn't tell you it was probably for a good reason," Bucky told her, but she already knew that.

"I know that, and I'm not mad at him, I couldn't be," Marlena smiled softly and wiped her face free of tears. "All he's ever done is try to take care of me, and this was that."

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