We Can't Read Him

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By the time the football game ended, the twins were asleep. Marlena held on tightly to Jay as she stood, while Charlie was fast asleep in Bucky's arms. The four of them, as well as Greyson and Wanda, were waiting on Mason to make an appearance. He and the rest of his team had taken off for the locker room after their win. Marlena was quite thankful they had won, given the fact that Mason often found himself in a horrible mood after a loss. She'd only ever had to deal with that mood twice after a loss, and it wasn't one she was a fan of dealing with.

The football stadium was just about clear when the football team finally appeared. All of them were exceptionally jubilant. It not only showed on their faces, but it showed in their excited howls as they ran onto the field and off again to meet up with their families.

Mason scanned his eyes over the numerous amount of people gathered at the fence, and the moment he spotted his family he smiled brightly and ran over. Bucky was the first to spot him, as Marlena was lost in conversation with Wanda and Greyson. A grin spread across his face as he looked at Mason, and he clamped a hand down onto his shoulder, all while managing to keep his hold on Charlie.

"Congrats on your win, kid," Bucky said to Mason, attracting everyone else's attention.

"Thanks, man."

Marlena turned to look at Mason and she smiled. "You played great out there, Mase."

She couldn't help but think about just how happy her mom would be were she able to see him on the field doing what he loved to do. Marlena could remember Mason being so happy about receiving a full ride to the university he had been wanting to attend since he was in seventh grade. All he wanted to do in life was play football and further his education, and he was able to do just that, but there was a time when he grew to resent it because the one person he wanted to be there during it all couldn't be. It took a hell of a lot of convincing and coaxing not only from Marlena, but Bucky, Greyson, and Wanda as well to get him to the point he was currently at. Marlena knew better than anyone that Miranda would be one proud mother if she could see him today. He'd turned into everything she hoped for him to be.

"Don't lie to the boy," Greyson scoffed, tearing Marlena from her thoughts. "I've seen three-year-olds play football better than he can."

Mason shot him a look. "The only three-year-olds you know are Charlie and James, and I'm the only reason they even know what a football is."

Greyson smirked and moved to hug Mason, patting him on the back several times before releasing him. "I've missed you, kiddo."

"Likewise," Mason responded with a small smile.

"I don't really understand what went on out there, but whatever it was...I guess it was pretty cool," Wanda said to Mason.

Mason grinned and moved to hug her. "Thanks, Wan."

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