This Should Be Fun

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Those that occupied the quinjet sat conversing among themselves. Marlena, on the other hand, found herself at the back of the jet with her attention on nothing but the voices of her children echoing through her phone's speaker. There were no words to describe just how much she missed them despite only being gone for the better part of two days. She'd spent years by their side, only leaving them with Greyson or Mason for hours at a time, never days, but she knew they were in good hands regardless of how long she was away. Who better to take care of her kids than their fun uncle and their idiot of an adoptive grandfather who just so happened to be one of Washington's brightest surgeons?

"Mommy, when are you coming home?" Jay's voice sounded through the speaker.

Marlena glanced over at the team and frowned before turning away. "I'm not sure, baby," she answered him truthfully. And she wasn't sure at all. She wanted nothing more than to be home with her kids, especially given Charlie's new condition, but her hands were tied. The threat the team faced was massive, but she was still unaware just how massive it was. This Thanos character everyone was talking about made her much more nervous than she ever anticipated, but she would never admit that.

"You have to come home very soon, okay?" Charlie spoke. "Uncle Mason took my popsicles away and he said he wasn't giving them back until you came home."

Marlena could practically hear the frown in her daughter's voice, but Charlie's words only amused the brunette. There was definitely a reason Mason confiscated Charlie's favorite sugar fixing, and Marlena wasn't sure she wanted to know why. "I'm sure Uncle Mason had his reasons, Charlie," Marlena said to her.

"Let's just say it took six hours to completely remove the blue from her face," Mason breathed out. "She woke up from her suppression nap and went straight to the freezer; I barely had the time to think before half the box was gone."

"Oh, god."

An approaching shadow caught Marlena's attention and she looked over to see Steve making his way towards her. He seemed more or less relaxed given the circumstances, but Marlena knew it was merely a facade. She could feel exactly what he felt because of her access to his mind, which let her know just how relaxed he wasn't.

"Uncle Steve will bring you all the popsicles you want when this is all over," Steve said with a smirk as he removed the phone from her hand. Marlena only smiled and leaned back against the wall as the sound of her children's excited squeals could be heard.

"Uncle Steve!" Charlie squealed happily. "You have to get the blue ones!"

"Of course," Steve replied. "I'll see you guys soon, okay?"

"Okay," Jay spoke quietly. "Will you and mommy please be careful being superheroes?"

Steve and Marlena exchanged glances before Steve turned his attention back to the phone. "We will, buddy."

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