Just Let Go, Kid

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★ ★ ★

It'd been an entire day since the team managed to pull off the time heist. Tony, Bruce, and Rocket had been working on a custom gauntlet for the Infinity Stones, while the rest of the team had been divulged in their own activities as they awaited the completion of the gauntlet. They would've loved to have helped, but none of them were scientists, apart from Marlena, though she wasn't exactly in the right mind to lend a hand. Not only was she unversed in the field of science responsible for the construction of the gauntlet, she was still dealing with the emotional toll of Natasha's death. Marlena also found herself particularly uncomfortable around the stones, so she preferred to remain away until the gauntlet's completion.

For Marlena, it'd been an agonizingly slow 36 hours. It consisted of crying, sleeping, eating, and sometimes vomiting. Marlena was thankful she didn't experience debilitating morning sickness as some unlucky mothers did, but regardless, it was still one of the most annoying inconveniences.

As of the moment, Marlena stood in front of the mirror inside her closet. She was wearing her old supersuit. Tony had given it a few modifications, something of which Marlena was perfectly okay with. She'd accidentally left her new suit back home in Brooklyn after a trip to drop off a few of her's and Steve's belongings. Their rooms were becoming a bit too cluttered for her comfort.

Marlena couldn't help but notice her reflection. The suit looked so different on her than she remembered. Marlena had grown so much over the last five years it almost looked as if it no longer belonged to her, or at least the person she had become. No matter how much Marlena missed that person, however, she couldn't go back—she wouldn't go back. That person had finally given her permission to be who she longed to be, and she was going to take it.

With a sigh, Marlena brushed her bangs out of her face and turned to head back into her room for what she hoped to be the last time under the circumstances. Tony and Bruce finally finished the gauntlet, which meant there now had to be a discussion regarding the user of the gauntlet. Marlena definitely knew she wasn't in line for the job, but she knew she would enjoy listening to her idiots argue over it.

Marlena grabbed her fingerless gloves from her bed and left her bedroom, pulling the gloves onto her hands after she shut the door. She started down the hall towards the lab, where Steve stood with everyone but Nebula. Her absence was strange, but Marlena didn't question it. She figured she was on her way.

"Well, why don't you get Snow White over there to put it on?" Rocket said, gesturing to Marlena.

Marlena eyed Rocket as she continued into the room. "What are you talking about, Rocket?"

"We're trying to figure out who gets to wear the gauntlet," Tony answered with a roll of his eyes.

"And you want me to wear it?" Marlena asked Rocket with a raised brow.

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