A Beautiful Mistake

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Marlena ran a hand through her hair and sat down on her mattress with her cell phone in her hand. She glanced over at the clock sitting on her bedside table and let out a quiet sigh. It was nearing three in the afternoon and Greyson still had yet to show up at the house. Marlena asked him and Mason to watch the kids while she and Bucky went over to Sam's apartment in the city for the remainder of the day. Originally, Marlena planned on Wanda being the only one to talk to about the issue regarding her daughter, but Bucky insisted both of them make an effort to inform their remaining friends, as they were also family.

After a few minutes of silence, the bathroom door opened. Marlena looked over to see Bucky making his way out of the bathroom; his shoulder-length hair was wet and he wore nothing but a single towel around his waist. He furrowed his brows when he took notice of Marlena sitting on the bed and headed over to his dresser to find an outfit for the day.

"Why do you look so glum?" he asked her as he pulled a maroon-colored shirt from a drawer.

Marlena shrugged and fell back onto the mattress. "I'm not glum, per se. I'm annoyed because Greyson isn't here yet, and we can't exactly leave because Mason started his summer classes today. I'm even more annoyed that you're just now getting ready when I've been ready for an hour."

"Well," Bucky pulled his shirt over his head, "Greyson is finishing a shift at the hospital; he told me he'd be here before 3:30."

"Then what's your excuse?"

Bucky rolled his eyes and pulled on a pair of briefs before grabbing a pair of blue jeans. "My excuse is your annoying use of the hot water in this house, as well as your unnecessary need to take 45-minute showers."

Marlena chuckled and sat up, her hazel eyes falling on a fully-clothed Bucky. "Showers are the only place I can be alone. I spend every day taking care of everyone but myself. There's nothing wrong with having an hour to myself, James."

"Never said there was, Marlena." Bucky smiled at her and headed over to the closet to grab a jacket and a pair of boots. "Where are the twins?"

"Probably somewhere in the house making a mess of things," Marlena answered calmly. She was so used to the twins getting into trouble around the house that one of their messes didn't particular effect her as much as they used to when they were younger.

"Makes a lot of sense," Bucky replied.

Marlena only nodded and fell back onto the mattress again. Bucky was busy fixing his hair when the sound of glass shattering downstairs could be heard, followed by the sound of Jay screaming for him and Marlena. A sigh escaped Marlena and she ran out of her room with Bucky behind her.

The two of them made their way downstairs and into the living room, where both of their children stood waiting for them. There was a small problem, however, as a majority of the items in the living room were floating in midair, and it didn't take long for Marlena to figure out that Charlie was the source of it all. She appeared to be particularly frightened because of it, as did Jay, but Bucky and Marlena seemed to be more or less alarmed with their daughter's newfound power. Each day it appeared these abilities were only growing in strength, much as Marlena's had done so after first appearing. She was now in the same position as she had been in all those years ago, and she had no clue what to do about it.

"Oh my gosh," Marlena muttered under her breath.

The front door then opened rather abruptly, startling the already-frightened twins. Charlie jumped where she stood, sending every last item flying aimlessly through the living room. Marlena very quickly threw her hands up in front of her, lighting up the large room with a very dark blue hue. The numerous items stopped where they were in the air, and as Marlena worked diligently on placing everything back where it belonged, Greyson walked into the room. He stopped when he noticed what was happening.

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