We Would All Be Married

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The sound of the television echoed throughout the quiet apartment. Marlena could hear the shower running down the hall and she sighed as her mind flooded with those beautiful blue eyes she fell in love with. She subconsciously tinkered with the fabric sitting on her belly and brushed her fingers across the soft skin of her abdomen. She'd almost forgotten what it felt like to love someone as deeply as she loved Steve and her little one. She'd first felt that with Bucky and the twins, and she never thought she'd feel that again. Then Steve happened, and now, as she sat on the couch holding herself protectively, she could feel it again, and she was absolutely terrified of losing that.

Marlena kept thinking about everything that'd been happening since Scott came back. He'd presented another chance in bringing everyone back, and while Marlena was more than thrilled with the possibility, she couldn't help but fear everything would go wrong. The post traumatic stress she endured because of their past losses tormented her daily, and the situation that now presented itself sent her mind spiraling. If something went wrong, she could lose Steve or even her unborn child, and that was something she could not let happen.

Steve then walked into the living room with nothing on but a pair of black sweatpants. Marlena looked over at the sound of his footfalls, but she wasn't aware she had begun to cry.

"Did you wanna order Chinese or—" He stopped when he noticed her crying and walked over to sit next to her. He brought his hand to her face and swiped away her tears. "Hey, what's the matter?"

Looking at him only made Marlena cry harder, and she wrapped her arms around him as tightly as possible. She practically climbed into his lap, but Steve didn't mind. He held her closely and let her cry, despite how much he hated when she cried.

"I'm scared," Marlena spoke through her tears.

"Why are you scared, Mar?"

"I'm scared to lose you."

Even before the two got together, Steve was among the few people she believed she couldn't live without. Bucky was another one of those people, and losing him, along with everyone else she loved, made her feel as if she was on death's doorstep. The emotional pain she endured after losing someone like that was a pain she didn't want to endure again, and that was exactly what she was afraid of happening.

"What makes you think you're going to lose me?" Steve asked softly as he urged her to look up at him.

"The thought of losing again torments me every day," Marlena told Steve. "What if this doesn't work and I lose you because of it?"

"I have a very compelling reason to make sure nothing happens to me," Steve smiled down at her.

"I can't lose you, too," Marlena shook her head and placed her hand on his cheek. "We can't lose you."

Steve furrowed his brows at her words. "W-what do you mean by that?"

Marlena let out a breath and nestled herself to his chest. "It wasn't carsickness, Steve..."

Steve's breath caught in his throat and his grip on Marlena loosened slightly. He'd had it in his mind it was never been carsickness, but he never truly convinced himself it was what he actually believed was going on with her. That aspect of life had only ever been a dream to Steve, and while he knew Marlena desired a family, he just wasn't aware that would be happening so soon, especially with everything that had just been dropped on the team. He was happy, nonetheless, and absolutely thrilled. Steve had Marlena to fight for and protect, but now he had more. He had a family to fight for, a family that Marlena had given him, and he found in that very moment that he had never felt so much love for her.

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