Everything Is Perfect Now

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A sweet aroma wafted throughout the entire house. Hurried footsteps sounded across the hardwood floors, pulling Marlena from her slumber. Her eyes fluttered open, and she groaned quietly. She looked at the clock on her bedside table and saw it was nearing eight in the morning. She groaned again, more than ready to pull her comforter back over her head until she remembered what day it was. It was Christmas, which meant her kids, as well as Sarah's, were likely running through the house excited for the opportunity to open up their presents. It was that thought alone that forced Marlena out of bed.

Marlena sat up slowly and exhaled, running a hand through her long brown hair. She got up and walked over to her suitcase, opting for the pair of cozy red and plaid "Christmas leggings" she'd bought a few days prior to leaving, along with an oversized cream-colored sweater. She got dressed as quickly as she could, finishing off the look with the cutest pair of socks to match her sweater. She threw her long hair into a messy bun and put on her glasses before heading out of her room.

As Marlena walked down the stairs, she was met with the sound of many voices, especially those of her children. Charlie's was, of course, the loudest. She could hear Bucky's voice telling her to calm down before he sold all of her presents, and Marlena laughed quietly. Their relationship with one another had always been nothing short of amusing. The two were so alike, and it'd always warmed Marlena's heart.

"Morning, sunshine!" Sam called to Marlena as she stepped into the living room, attracting the attention of those around him.

"Morning, guys," Marlena greeted them tiredly. She walked over to sit next to Steve on the loveseat, placing her head onto his shoulder without a word. She smiled softly as she felt his lips press gently to the top of her head, and she focused her attention on the four children having the time of their lives in front of her.

"Merry Christmas, Mom!" Charlie exclaimed loudly as she ran over to deliver a quick hug to her mom.

Marlena snorted back her laughter as she noticed Jay roll his eyes behind her, likely due to his sister's outburst. The young boy wasn't a morning person and never had been, even as a toddler. Even a holiday as important as Christmas didn't change that. It made her wonder if he'd woken up on his own or if Charlie had woken him up through her excitement.

"Merry Christmas, baby," Marlena responded with a bright smile on her face. "And Merry Christmas to all of you!"

"Merry Christmas, Miss Claire!"

Marlena raised a brow at Cass, who was sitting beside Jay on the floor. "You know you can call me Marlena, right, Cass?"

"Mom says it's not polite to call adults by their first names," Cass replied, turning his attention back to the book in his hands.

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