Am I Really That Old?

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JULY 4, 2026

★ ★ ★

Marlena hit the floor with a loud thud. She grunted and turned her head to look up at Steve, who was nonchalantly adjusting the sleeve of his navy blue compression shirt. He met Marlena's eyes for the briefest of seconds, and a smirk pulled at the corner of his lips. He held his hand out for her and she grabbed it, pushing herself off the floor with Steve's assistance.

"I know you can do better than that," Steve chuckled and crossed his arms over his chest, his eyes on the annoyed brunette standing in front of him. The two had been sparring with each other for fifteen minutes; every once in a while, they would go down to the massive gym in their apartment complex and work out, and ever so often those workout sessions turned into sparring sessions.

"I know I can," Marlena replied breathlessly and walked to retrieve her bottle of water from her bag in the corner of the room. She took a swig and tossed the bottle back into the bag before turning back to Steve. He was smug, much too smug, and Marlena was ready to wipe the expression off his face. "Just because you're Captain America doesn't mean I can't kick your ass."

"I know," Steve agreed with her. "You've done it before, so I'm not too sure what the problem is here."

"There isn't one."

Marlena stepped toward Steve and threw a punch with her left hand, though he expected it, which was exactly what she wanted him to do.

"You're not usually this sloppy, Claire," he teased as he grabbed her arm midair. Steve pulled her close, locking her left arm across his chest. The abrupt movement was enough to elicit a grunt from Marlena, but she wasn't phased whatsoever. She simply bit his arm and pulled it back with her right hand, effectively releasing her left arm from his hold. She kicked his legs from beneath him and pinned him to the ground quickly, feeling incredibly thrilled to have finally gotten him on the ground.

"Don't worry," Marlena peered down at Steve with bright hazel eyes. "I know I'm not."

"What the hell is with you and Natasha and the biting?" Steve rubbed his arm where Marlena had bitten him and pushed himself off the floor.

"It gets the job done," Marlena said to him, a smirk on her face.

Steve simply shook his head and moved to grab his water. He put the bottle to his mouth and looked at Marlena, who was sipping away at her water as well. Her face was flushed and pale, and strands of sweaty hair stuck to her face. Even then, she still looked like a complete masterpiece to him. He never would be able to explain it.

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