C'mon, That's Vintage

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"Marlena, can you please put the potatoes down?"

"No, but thank you for asking."

Miranda rolled her eyes at Marlena, who only scooped up another spoonful of mashed potatoes. She shoved the spoon in her mouth, her eyes never leaving the annoyed expression on her mom's face. Dinner had concluded about two and a half hours ago, but Marlena was, of course, a lot hungrier than everyone else was. She'd been eating bowl after bowl of mashed potatoes since dinner ended, and she wasn't sure she wanted to stop. No matter how old Marlena got, she would never deny just how fantastic her mom's food was. She'd been missing it for years and was thankful she didn't have to anymore.

"Don't forget she's eating for two now," Greyson reminded her.

"Could also be three," Sam chimed in from his place on the floor beside Mason. "Twins seem to be popular among the Claire family."

"He's not wrong," Miranda chuckled.

Marlena groaned and took another bite of her potatoes. "I don't know if I want another set of twins; the heartburn is ridiculous and four kids is a lot. Three just evens everything out."

"And how does that make any sense?" Levi asked her. He was sitting with Miranda and Greyson on the sofa, while Marlena sat with Steve on the loveseat. The air had become much cozier since the house wasn't so packed anymore. Clint and his family had left not too long after gift giving, though Levi stayed to spend as much time with Marlena and the rest of her family as he could. Carol had stopped by as well to drop off gifts for the kids—who were now playing in the den with Sarah's boys—but left not too long afterwards for the Rambeau household. Peter remained, as did Dr. Strange, both for two completely different reasons.

"Three kids, three parents," she answered Levi. "I don't really wanna be outnumbered."

"Yeah, we wouldn't want to double that trouble, would we?" A familiar voice sounded, though it was not aloud. Marlena had heard it inside her head, and she wasn't sure if it was by pure accident or done purposely. Regardless, she didn't like what she'd heard.

"At least we don't have to worry about breeding super people, babe." Greyson nudged Miranda's arm and took a sip of the drink in his hand. He, along with several other men, had opted for a glass of whiskey to wash down their Christmas dinner. Bucky and Steve couldn't get drunk, but the others were well on the path to discovering what a mistake they'd made.

"Yeah, because we're nothing but trouble," Marlena muttered, her eyes on no one but Doctor Strange. She got up from the loveseat, grabbed her bowl, and headed over to the kitchen, where Strange was standing by the door. There were a few curious eyes on the two, but Marlena paid them no mind. "Can I talk to you for a minute?" she asked him, walking into the kitchen before he could give her an answer.

"Marlena," Doctor Strange's firm voice could be heard as the kitchen door swung shut behind him.

Marlena placed her bowl in the sink and turned around to look at the doctor, her hazel eyes narrowed. "I know my mom invited you here, but I don't understand why. You two worked together twice, while you and I have worked together once. I hardly know you, so why don't you tell me why you're really here, Doctor Strange?"

Doctor Strange let out a sigh and scratched the back of his head, unsure of the words he wanted to come out of his mouth.

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